Talk comments

Sadfully, Felix Sasaki could not be present for his talk and spoke over Skype. I think this was really bad for this topic because no real discussion can take place and it is a topic with lots of problems. As someone with a degree in information management this was less than an introduction but reminded me of really implementing this knowledge in web projects. So thanks for that but please give much more detailed talks in the future (well, I am only speaking about me, but do you know a serious web developer who never heard about

Ich stimme Münster zu - der Vortrag war gut, aber wirklich nicht viel neues. Schade, dass man manche Themen (immer) noch ansprechen muss, die seit Jahren Standard bei jedem Entwickler sein sollten. Aber da kann Jens Grochtdreis natürlich auch nichts für... deshalb 4/5 für den Speaker, 0/5 für alle, die bisher nichts von alledem wussten.

If the conference had voted on JSPopstars as well, Jakob Westhoff would definitely be one of the Top5. Every talk of him is very competent, comfortable and full of nice tips in your everyday work. Definitely going to buy his book (and I am not being paid for saying that ;-)

I am a fan of CouchDB without trying to use it yet because Jan is inspiring and enthusiastic. Definitely will give it a go.

Very good introduction to Git. Nothing to criticise (from the perspective of a novice).

Although I knew most of the features there were some great knew topics which were well presented. The only thing Bastian (and many more speakers with "general" topics like these) can make better - prepare for some more topics and ask the audience what they want to hear about.

Anonymous at 19:00 on 12 Oct 2011

sehr gut vorgetragen, der Mann hat Spaß daran.
Ja es war gut dass es bei den Basics anfing und dann nicht zu sehr ins Detail ging. Bei einem fortgeschrittenen Vortrag gäbe es bestimmt die verrücktesten Fragestellungen die nicht mehr alle interessieren und man käme vom Hundersten ins Tausendste ins Millionste und das würde die Veranstaltung sprengen.

Anonymous at 18:57 on 12 Oct 2011

war sehr gut

Anonymous at 18:55 on 12 Oct 2011

war am Anfang sehr gut, irgendwann wurde er leider etwas unsicher

Way too much content for the given time, but still interesting to hear what Amazon has built.