Talk comments

Brilliant talk on a subject of great use to general PHP developers and Laravel developers alike. Definitely one of the big ones to take away and pass on.

Brilliant talk. We're already making use of Ansible so it was great to see someone waving the flag so to speak.

Definitely learned a lot from this particular talk and the speaker did a great job of keeping his audience engaged.

Brilliant talk. We already have Elastic Search in use but now we know how much more is possible. I've already begun forcing the lessons from this talk onto those at the office with this talk to motivate me. I'm eagerly waiting to have slides or a video to help spread the message.

The speaker's pacing during the talk wasn't enough to damage the presentation for me but I could possibly see this being taken as a sign of nervousness or lack of confidence in the subject on bigger talks. It may have just been habit on his part.

Great to see someone coding under pressure to show their confidence in their work. All that was missing was some whiteboard coding.

Having slides would have been nice as an extra resource but the speaker absolutely did not need the help. His level of understanding and experience at explaining this topic was abundantly clear and he covered a lot of valuable points that were re-iterated throughout the day.

Tried to dive in to annotations with Doctrine and PHPUnit myself so glad to have someone go back to basics.

It's a subject I'm passionate about and was very glad to see the talk but would agree with some of the attendees who pointed out that it wasn't what they go to Laracon for. On the other hand I'd say talks like this belong at any conference instead of expecting them to take the subject somewhere else.

Definitely agree with the point against the "Burn it with Fire" attitude. People who see this sort of reaction to discrimination are just left with the message that they have to keep their feelings "repressed" and release them through less public means like the anonymous hate described in the talk. With that said I'd say those choosing to remain anonymous in these comments may want to go through the details of the talk again.

Disappointed I missed the chance to discuss some of the points with the speaker but glad to have witnessed such an inspiring attitude nonetheless.

Brilliant to see a good in-depth TDD talk at this conference. The speaker managed to get a lot of detail into a short space. I'd looked into the arguments by DHH and others against TDD so it was re-assuring to see the difference it makes when done through this approach. A lot of the principles discussed also coincided with other talks from the day so it was good to see such consistency to prevent confusion in the audience.