Excellent talk! Thanks very much. Gave me ideas about better and smarter ways to do some things than the way I usually do them.
It was one of the best non technical talks I've heard in the past few years. Excellent job.
Great talk, Igor!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the concepts explained in the talk and the philosophical tangent of the finite state machines topic.
As I have communicated after the talk, it is a great reminder of something that many developers do not realize even though they use FSMs pretty much every day while developing various finite state flows and divergent states of their applications. While these topics were relevant to me as a developer, I felt like there needed to be more connection made to the every day struggles of backend web developers. Despite that minor wish, no doubt the presentation sparked a lot of conversation and that is where the value of the ideas presented lives on.
Thank you for blowing our minds a bit and a lot. While(true) mind = blown;
This was a great closing talk. Like the cleanup hitter in a baseball game, Cal knows what he's doing, and delivers. It was great for a closing talk because as he expressed so well, simply having a job and getting paid does not a professional make. He then went on to lay out a simple plan to achieve what he's defining as professionalism. And who couldn't love a catchy acronym like DUCCHT?
Loved the vision and the presentation of that vision. It was helpful to see stats and numbers of people using Laravel. I was blown away by the new additions (Forge, Homestead) to Laravel ecosystem and will be using Forge as soon as it is publicly available.
Thank you for bringing us all together and for continuous work you are doing for every PHP web developer out there. I am super excited for Laravel's future and the community around it. Keep up the great work, Taylor!
If there was a nice flat floor to roll on, I would totally ROFL. Thanks for the ice-breaker, one-liners and rhyme-sentences :)
I'll probably get flamed for this, but I was a little annoyed by this talk. With all due respect to John Resig who is 100 times more the developer than I'll ever be, I did not understand how this was relevant at a conference for professional PHP developers with a specific interest in the Laravel framework. It was impressive, and like many others with kids I signed up for Khan Academy that same day. But unlike the Amazon AWS talk, there wasn't even an attempt to make it relevant for a room full of developers focused on a backend framework, some of whom came thousands of miles to learn more in relation to Laravel. The presentation was smooth, polished and compelling. I just felt its inclusion was based more on John's profile than on the presentation content.