Talk comments

Joseph Thayne at 16:51 on 4 Nov 2023

Great information and ideas. Enjoyed the discussion and sharing of ideas at the end as well.

This was a fantastic introduction to a topic I was not familiar with. I think some comparisons to similar work in other languages may have been helpful, as well as additional ideas for practical application in our day to day jobs.

I love that Alena captured everyone's attention with Legos! She gave practical advice on how to put ourselves in the correct mental mindset to create our best work.

I think a little more focus on learning/focus techniques - perhaps practical examples - would have been welcome.

Joseph Leedy at 16:48 on 4 Nov 2023

Entertaining and engaging epic to close out an awesome conference. Thanks!

This was a fantastic talk - a narrow topic but a deep dive. Larry gave useful examples and clear explanations.

I think a few more minutes discussing the "bad" ways to serialize might have been useful, perhaps with real life examples.

I went into this presentation thinking it would be something else. I think the description doesn't line up with the content.

Ryan Marks at 16:42 on 4 Nov 2023

You shared very good questions to ask when we receive a poorly thought out feature request.

This was an excellent presentation. There were a couple of spots where I couldn't track what was happening because it's such a powerful technique. I don't know how to fix that but I will try this library.

I really appreciated seeing how another developer breaks down a task into smaller pieces and organizes their thoughts. I love the idea of leaving behind the blueprint for a task in the ticket.

Aaron Holbrook at 16:41 on 4 Nov 2023

Very informative, and inspiring talk; gave both a good review and insight into how to start using Machine Learning with PHP, which I didn't think was possible.

Thank you for your talk!