Talk comments

Ed Barnard at 10:25 on 25 Sep 2017

This talk was exactly as described. That's a good thing! This was about basic usage hitting the real world. I did NOT know, for example, why merging and rebasing do not mix. I thought this played quite well as a workshop/tutorial. Jordan: Consider accepting PRs for your sample code so that you have a mix of contributors. Then you won't need to pop over to a second repo for the more complex examples. I found EVERY example you showed to be enlightening. Thank you.

Ed Barnard at 10:21 on 25 Sep 2017

An extremely relatable talk. Thank you.

Ed Barnard at 10:12 on 25 Sep 2017

Thanks everyone for the useful suggestions. I considered dropping the benchmark code walk-through to save time, but feedback shows it was useful. Instead I'll focus on getting the questions we asked/answered during the talk into the presentation. That should clarify the focus and help me not run out of time!

Ryan Gittins at 08:46 on 25 Sep 2017

Sometimes we all need reminders like the ones Matthew gave in this talk. The emphasis on empathy, communication, and humility did a nice job reminding us that most of being a good developer is being a good person. Matthew did a great job articulating a lot of ideas we let float around in our heads without ever really solidifying.

Ryan Gittins at 08:34 on 25 Sep 2017

This talk was fantastic. It was very clearly polished and in talking to Chris I confirmed he'd been refining it for several years. I felt like I'd learned weeks (if not months) worth of information in three hours.

The examples were all very clear in their intentions and Chris made it very easy to follow along. Even the small things like blowing up the font size on the terminal and IDE were a big help. He made concepts like images, containers, volumes, and networks very easy to understand without getting into the weeds too much.

I especially enjoyed that Chris made a point to "Docker-ify" a preexisting application. This is exactly the kind of real-world example I likeā€”one that I can actually go to work and apply rather than waste time trying to figure out how to put the theory into practice for myself.

I could not have asked for a better talk on Docker.

Ryan Gittins at 08:10 on 25 Sep 2017

This talk wasn't bad, but it did suffer from getting a bit too into the weeds. The sheer number of tools to install prior to the talk and commands to execute during the talk made it a bit overwhelming and difficult to follow. It also made it easy to get lost.

I appreciate the idea of going from zero to one hundred with this setup, but it was just a bit too much too fast for the time slot. I enjoyed walking through the ins and outs of setting up Apigility and the high-level overview of the other tools, but it was just too much. I'd encourage the speaker to cut down the toolset if possible, or at least to cut down on the number of bash commands to execute. Each one is something which can be missed, typo'd, or otherwise messed up which leaves the audience lost.

I do think this talk could be really stellar if the speaker were to cut down the scope a bit.

A very personal, touching and inspiring talk, and a perfect example of why the PHP community is so special.
There is something that we all can give back to the community, be it financially, sharing our knowledge or giving feedback to speakers.
Thank you Michelangelo for all you do for the community.

Some very useful tips and tricks, most of which I did not know about. Some of these will make nice additions to my work flow.

A great talk on trade offs between performance and security when using prepared statements, and more importantly why we always need to use prepared statements with user supplied data.
As with all of Ed's talks, it was not only informative but entertaining.
Thanks Ed!

A lot of good security information that I had never seen before. Unfortunately the language barrier made it somewhat difficult for me to follow and keep up on.
I think there was too much information to cover in the time slot. I don't think removing information would be an ideal solution, but maybe breaking it into a two part talk would be helpful.