OggCamp, the premier unconference celebrating Free Culture, Free and Open Source Software, hardware hacking, digital rights, and all manner of collaborative cultural activities is back for 2018!
19:00 |
Pre-Event Social - The Bankers Draft
in Socials
(4 hour)
We are meeting on Friday from 7pm in “The Bankers Draft” on Market Place for pre-conference drinks. We have not provisioned for any food to be served, however, this is a Weatherspoons Pub, so they may be serving food. Venue URL: https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/pubs/all-pubs/england/south-yorkshire/the-bankers-draft-sheffield Map to Venue: https://w3w.co/lime.cave.liner |
10:30 |
Welcome Talk
Event Related by Mark Johnson, Jon Spriggs in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Welcome Talk |
11:00 |
Infrastructure as Cake - Testing Your Configuration Management in the Kitchen, with Sprinkles and Love
Talk by Jamie Tanna in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Learn about how Configuration Management can be performed in a test-first manner (in these examples) using Chef, in a talk full of food puns. I’ll discuss how investing time into the manner in which your application is deployed is almost as important as the software that is deployed. Jamie is a Software Engineer 2 at Capital One UK, working on Identity Services. He has a passion for backend engineering, especially around APIs and automation. He is a GNU/Linux user, a big advocate for the Free Software Movement, and tries to self host his own services where possible, instead of relying on other providers. |
The Things Network
Talk by Mike Beardmore in Stage 1 (25 minutes) Our experience in deploying RDG |
11:30 |
Fast, Free and Beautiful: Open Source Image Delivery Techniques
Talk by Doug Sillars in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) When it comes to the web, the predominate download (in KB) is images. In this talk, we’ll walk through the current state of image optimization, and the free and open source tools available to help your website render quickly and beautifully. Doug is a leading mobile developer advocate and evangelist. He is widely known as an expert in mobile application architecture, especially when it comes to performance. Doug has worked with thousands of developers around the world, helping them improve the speed, battery life and customer satisfaction of their applications (both native and web). The author of O’Reilly’s ‘High Performance Android Apps,’ he has spoken at conferences around the world on mobile performance. He is currently freelancing, and traveling with his family of 6 (plus the dog!) as a digital nomad in Europe. |
Redis: Past, present and future
Talk by Christoph Zimmermann in Stage 1 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk State of the union including a totally unfair benchmark discussion involving Kafka and Redis :-). |
12:00 |
Running your own mainframe on Linux (for fun and profit)
Talk by Jeroen Baten in Entroware Stage (55 minutes) Yes, this talk is about running your own mainframe on your own hardware. Mainframes are old, yes, but they are still very much alive. New hardware is still being developed and there are a lot of fresh jobs in this area too. A lot of mainframes run COBOL workloads. COBOL is far from a dead language. It processes an estimated 85% of all business transactions, and 5 billion lines of new COBOL code are written every year. In this session the speaker will help you in take your first steps towards running your own mainframe. If you like then after this session you can continue to build your knowledge of mainframe systems using the links provided during the talk. Come on in and learn the basics of a completely different computer system! And it will take you less than an hour to do that! |
The Joggler: A Hacking Success Story
Talk by Andrew Davison in Stage 1 (25 minutes) A brief history of hacking an interesting embedded device, plus which tools can be used to create a new, compact OS installation. |
12:30 |
Single Page Web App
Talk by Sean O'Mahoney in Stage 1 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
Hacktoberfest - what's it all about
Talk by Jon Spriggs in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
13:00 |
in Socials
(55 minutes)
Lunch |
14:00 |
How to overcome your fears to become a conference speaker
Talk by Antonio Cobo in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Have you ever thought about speaking at a conference? Have you ever wondered how the speakers managed to get into the conference? I am afraid of public speaking, I usually speak fast and I’m asthmatic. None of that stopped me to accomplish my dream of sharing knowledge and give to the community as much as I have gotten from the community. I will share with you how I managed to speak at events across Europe and US, and how thanks to the advice from other speakers and mentors, I manage to overcome my fears and limitations. Hopefully you will leave the session wanting to share your knowledge with others. Antonio is a Delivery Manager with over 18 years’ experience in the IT industry and specialises in Agile methodologies. He comes from a technical background, starting his career as a Java Developer in Spain in 2000, moving to different roles within IT in three different countries. Antonio is passionate about creating and implementing the best solution while continually seeking to improve work methodologies. He is convinced that most of the problems in IT are due to lack of communication! Antonio usually speaks about Agile, DevOps, Project Management and Team management at conferences across Europe and US, such as DevOps Days, JAX, TopConf and Voxxed Days. |
Dark Peak Data Cooperative
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 1 (25 minutes) How we're working together to free our data |
14:30 |
Lightning Talks
in Entroware Stage
(25 minutes)
Lightning Talks will be strictly 5 minutes long, and you'll be allowed to take 1 question at the end. Details of submitting a Lightning Talk will be given on the day. |
rst2pdf: Use a text editor, make a PDF
Talk by Lorna Mitchell in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
15:00 |
Technologists of the World Unite. You have nothing to lose but your bosses!
Talk by Kate Dawson in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Learn about Cooperative Technologists, and the Co-operative movement The co-operative movement offers a different way viewing the world, based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Co-operative organisations look to co-operate amongst themselves to effectively build and strengthen the co-operative movement, and they work for the sustainable development of their communities. There are many similarities between the free software and free culture movements where code and content are freely given back to the community to be remixed, improved and re-engineered. Come and hear how workers are taking control of technology industry, how you can start a workers co-operative and how you can join a tech workers co-operative. |
Mobile Network Technology Primer
Talk by Keith Milner in Stage 1 (55 minutes) Unconference Talk |
15:30 |
Setting main stage
in Entroware Stage
(25 minutes)
Stage not accessible |
16:00 |
Main Stage Extravaganza
Event Related by Joe Ressington, Martin Wimpress, Dan Lynch, Dave Lee, Jon Spriggs in Entroware Stage (55 minutes) TBC |
19:00 |
Saturday Night Social - "The Hideout" at Sheffield Hallam Students Union
in Socials
(4 hour)
The Saturday night social will be in “Hideout”, at Sheffield Hallam’s Student Union bar, again from 7pm. No provision for food has been made, and you should find somewhere to eat beforehand. |
10:30 |
Welcome (back) Talk
Event Related by Mark Johnson, Jon Spriggs in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Welcome Talk |
11:00 |
Load Balancing 101 & Building a Linux Load Balancer
Talk by Andrew Howe in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Part 1: What is a load balancer, and why would you use one? Simple, high level overview Part 1b: How does load balancing work? Technical descriptions · Layer 4 load balancing methods · Layer 7 load balancing Part 2: Building a Linux load balancer · The building blocks are all there, and are all FLOSS! · Taking care of layer 4 load balancing with LVS in the Linux kernel · Taking care of layer 7 load balancing with HAProxy · Maybe talk about some real world examples and how they are configured and deployed |
Things Network: Nitty Gritty
Talk by Mike Beardmore in Stage 1 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
Getting Started with OpenStreetMap
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
11:30 |
Matrix, the year to date
Talk by Ben Parsons in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Matrix is an open standard for communication over the Internet. I will talk about the matrix standard, both the technical implementation and the reasons for its creation. We will focus on the changes and progress that has been made in the previous year, particularly getting the specification out of beta, and the growth of the ecosystem. Finally, the Matrix environment continues to develop, and we'll look at the roadmap for the future. |
The PiDP8 Emulator Redux
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 1 (25 minutes) A longer look at blinking lights |
How to kick start a major German Foss confluence
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
12:00 |
Morality and Ethics - Caring is Everything
Talk by Sam Warner in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) In software development, caring is everything. Of late, we’ve seen a wave of unethical tech plague our industry in ways we’d never thought it could. Are we just guns-for-hire developers? How do we prevent unethical technology spreading (and being made)? Spoiler: awareness and diversity are key… |
Build your own Mobile Network
Talk by Keith Milner in Stage 1 (55 minutes) Unconference Talk |
Plumbing for non-plumbers
Talk by Mark Johnson in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Or what I learned from fixing my toilet 5 times |
12:30 |
Error Messages in the wild
Talk by Mike Hingley in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) I'm interested in error messages that we encounter during our every day life. It used to be that things like billboards and signposts were put up and they'd last until they were posted over. Now billboards are computers - with all the difficulties that computers provide. In my talk I will examine some of the failures that you can encounter in the wild, and some of the issues that error messages displayed to the end user can highlight. Mike is a software developer now starting to work with NodeJS - having previously been a C# developer. |
Matrix-powered presentation
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
Ham Radio: an intro to what it is all about
Talk by Jon Spriggs in Open space (25 minutes) Unconference talk |
13:00 |
in Socials
(55 minutes)
Lunch |
14:00 |
FOSS for kids
Talk by Christoph Zimmermann in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Sunday, Slot 5 - 14:00-14:25 {:style="height:20px;width:20px;margin-left:2%"} {:style="width:30%"} 2018 will be third year where the LUG Frankfurt is cooperating with one of Germany's largest public broadcasters to introduce open source software to children. As part of the highly successful "Show with the Mouse" format (a children's tv show that has been running for the last 46 years), the LUG will host a group of children for a day to learn, use and have fun with open source software. This talk will give an overview of the general format, discuss our experience with this type of event and also highlight some of the challenges we encountered over the years. |
Web Application Security For Beginners
Talk by Daniel Dixon in Stage 1 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
DeGooglify with NEXTCLOUD
Talk by A Speaker in Stage 2 (25 minutes) Unconference Talk |
The Admin Admin Podcast
Talk by Jerry Steel, Al Christman, Dave Lee, Jon Spriggs in Open space (25 minutes) A live recording of the admin admin podcast |
14:30 |
Let's play a game "Domain HackBingo"
Talk by A Speaker in Entroware Stage (25 minutes) Unconference talk |
OpenAPI/Swagger Specification
Talk by Jamie in Stage 1 (25 minutes) What are they? Why would you want to? How do you test it? |
PGP Key Signing
in Stage 2
(25 minutes)
Unconference Talk |
15:00 |
in Entroware Stage
(55 minutes)
Rafflecast |
17:00 |
Sunday Night Social - Sentinel Brewhouse
in Socials
(7 hour)
On Sunday, once we have finished the event, anyone who is still around is welcome to join us at “Sentinel Brewhouse” on the junction of Mary Street and Shoreham Street. We’ve made no provision for food here either, so it’s probably worth getting something to eat first. |