Het live coden was een leuk idee, maar helaas werd de presentatie er zo rommelig van dat de boodschap minder duidelijk overgebracht werd. De zaal werkte overigens ook niet mee, want men vond js blijkbaar eng.
Daarnaast vond ik het erg jammer dat we niet toekwamen aan het gebruik van templates, want dat lijkt me het allerbelangrijkst.
Very nice, funny, interesting, beautiful slides.
But a little too fast and therefor the audience didn't have the time to ask questions.
A very clear explanation about what is available in database land at the moment. I loved it. Also good presentation style imho.
At the start I was not very interested, but as the talk continued I got more and more inspirated to contribute to the community.
It has been said before. A good talk, but touching too much subjects, so I had trouble remembering everything that got said.
Good introduction to cryptography. I really have an idea about how it works after only this session.
Interesting subject, also "thinking small" encourages the audience - including me - to start with the little things of community work.
I would have liked the keynote to be at the beginning of the day. After paying many hours of attention, it got more difficult at the end of the day.
Thanks, Pablo, for all the information and suggestions.
I learned some interesting things from this talk, but mainly it was too abstract. I would have liked to see some PHP or query code in the slides (showing how to query the different kinds of databases). Neo4j got my attention, yet, displaying a graph structure did not show me why I would choose it for my application (though I now think I should ;)).
Nice talk, learned some new things about HTTP.