The presentation looked a bit unstructured & the subject didn't seem embedded in the main topic of the conference (PHP).
I think that your subject could have been better if you would have shown a PHP example that you extended with backbone.js.
That way the audience might have understood the advantages of backbone.js somewhat better.
Awesome how you did the live coding & error solving on stage.
I give you some extra thumb up for the live coding!
Great interesting overview of the different NoSQL types.
If you would have had more time, then showing examples of all the 4 different types of NoSQL databases would have been nice.
Nice talk! I liked the info, speed & the funny metaphors.
The presentation started 'slowly' like an introduction,
but got very interesting half way.
Maybe you could spend less time with the general overview
& more time for the 2nd half.
Interesting subject & presentation!
Nice live demo! And even more interesting was that you ran into some errors during the demo, and how you were able to solve those on the fly (and gave us background info about that).
Although your presentation is about "Profiling PHP Applications", maybe you could also briefly touch the subject about profiling the HTML/CSS output (with YSlow) because optimizing that can also make your webapplications faster...
Interesting subject + presentation!
I already knew & use public key cryptography.
It was very interesting that you showed us some basic mathematical background information!
Interesting presentation!
Maybe you could make it even more interesting by including how to synchronize offline data with a live website (where the data can have been changed by other users)...
Thanks for all the comments! Great input to work on my talk.
I uploaded the slides. Link is on top of the page.
Interesting subject! However, because it was at the end of the day, the audience seemed a bit tired. This topic should have been a keynote or parallel session at the start of the event.
Maybe you could make the presentation more interesting:
* give a better overview of the structure of your presentation
* use more images
* don't just sum up what to do, but instead tell more stories that will stick (like trying to organize a community meeting three times and being the only attendee)
* tell more stories about what went wrong, and what you've learned from that