Talk comments

Marco is absolutely a great speaker. Making such a complex topic fun and engaging is quite an achievement. That said I do remember more of the jokes than the serious matter, but that might be just me or the fact that it was the last talk of the day.

This is absolutely among my favorite talks from the conference. Both fun and to the point. He explained what feature flags are, what kinds are there and how to implement them in our apps. I was worried from the title that the Big Bang Theory references might be too distracting but all the Sheldon pictures and references worked absolutely fine.

I expected another intro to DDD talk that talks about entities, value objects etc. and spends a huge chunk of time on code, instead what I got really surprised me in a very positive way.

I think that especially for people like me who haven't used DDD and are not that well informed on the topic, the focus on the thinking and the reasoning around it is way more beneficial than just showing some code and explaining parts of the terminology. Well worth the time!

He is an amazing speaker and kudos for not being rattled one bit (or at least not looking like it) from all the technical issues and even turning them into a joke tied to the topic.

The topic is indeed "controversial" for many but very interesting and deserves attention. I loved the analogy with the buildings, that worked really well.

Talking to people after the talk and swing some responses on Twitter, I think that many might have misunderstood the core message and simply dismissed it as "we should not test anything ever", which I think wasn't the case at all.

It was packed with great information. The explanation of the strangler pattern was particularly good, however I don't think it was really necessary since it wasn't used after all in that particular project. I am not very familiar with Kafka and got a bit lost there as well.
All in all I think the different parts of the talk were all very good and very informative, but as whole it didn't work that well for me.

I would still definitely recommend watching it to anyone that might be in doubt!

Great great great talk! I finally understand how autowiring works (it's not dark magic!) :)
I really liked how he drew parallels between Spring, Laravel and Symfony

Started as an interesting talk but I lost him somewhere along the line... He would talk about how good it was to do whatever was on that slide, but not what that was! I'm not so familiar with all those "project management" terms so it was hard to follow.

I hoped for an example of an app build using PHP and blockchain. Maybe that instead of cryptocurrencies crash course. :)
The speaker himself said he only scratched the surface but the talk is titled Dive deep into blockchain...
All in all it was a decent talk, just not what I expected from the title.

Miro Svrtan at 10:45 on 29 May 2018

Very practical and empowering talk, I always felt scared with the idea of trying to contribute to PHP core. After the talk, I do feel that if I find a bug in PHP, I will give my best to try to fix it and send in a patch!

Arnout did a great job presenting, thank you for a great talk!

Miro Svrtan at 10:42 on 29 May 2018

I tought this would be more oriented towards doing ML in PHP but it came out more focused on ML in general! Talk was great, speaker was clear, enganging and came off bit goofy with 'droping presented' example but I liked the concept!

I would just prefer title/abstract to be more clear or add more material on PHP part of it.