Talk comments

Arnout Boks at 18:20 on 31 May 2018

Really comprehensive talk, and well delivered. Everything you need to know about caching in 2018 packed into one talk.

Just a small bit of advice: Maybe the explanation of stampede protection can be made more clear by first showing what happens without stampede protection when a 'high-traffic' cache item expires.

Arnout Boks at 18:15 on 31 May 2018

A very informational talk! The practical examples really helped to illustrate some of the practical issues that may come with ES, and how to overcome them. For me the beginning of the talk with the introductory overview of ES concepts was a bit too basic though. It was a pity that you ran out of time, because I would have wanted to see some more of the 'compilcated' parts and how you treated those. That would make the talk really stand out from all other ES talks that have become the hype recently.

Arnout Boks at 18:10 on 31 May 2018

I really liked this talk! The demo's (both inline and the Telegram demo at the end) were really nice, the content very comprehensive and the delivery spot on. Everything you need to start building a chatbot!

Arnout Boks at 18:08 on 31 May 2018

I would have loved some more advanced content about how exactly Merkle trees are used with blockchain (that didn't become clear to me), how consensus works in a practical context and how much data to put into a block. Still it was a nice talk, and a good overview of blockchain, although in my opinion not really a 'deep dive'.

Arnout Boks at 18:05 on 31 May 2018

Much practical advice and techniques for decomposing a legacy application, with a good message: "don't do a full rewrite".The many topics sometimes made it hard to follow the common thread in the story, though. Especially at the part about Kafka I lost you a bit, probably because I'm not to familiar with it. Maybe a slighly higher-level overview of what Kafka can do for you (rather than the more advanced details) could help here.

Arnout Boks at 17:58 on 31 May 2018

Good keynote with some simple yet powerful takeaways. I especially liked the delivery, with humor and a nice personal touch.

I've always felt that such dramatically different approaches as event sourcing and CQRS would require either engaging in a full rewrite or starting with them in the beginning of the project. However she showed three examples of adding value to existing projects using them.

It's quite unfortunate that the slides didn't work as expected and the code examples were very hard to read, especially from the back rows.

The title is indeed a bit misleading, but asa talk that's an introduction to functional programming for PHP developers it was really well balanced between the mathematical and "pure" side of things and what's actually possible using PHP today.

Usually keynotes are more on the inspirational side than practical, but this one was kind of in the middle and it still worked really well.

Topic, stories, slides, jokes, delivery - everything was on point. Focusing on non code/tech things should really signal all of us that most software projects have people problems first and then they might have technical problems reflecting that.