Talk comments

An inspiring talk from an accomplished speaker. My ambition is to one day know enough to be able to present. My take away from Jenny is start small and local and build up. Practice is key and a good abstract and title are essential to getting noticed.

I enjoyed Erika's talk mostly due to the inner conflict it drew with the crowd. There was even a "But art is useless!?" remark from a delegate at the end.

Express - convey (a thought or feeling)

There's no getting away from it, writing code is a creative expression. That expression can be loved, hated and ridiculed (and there's no denying there's plenty of that happening).

So code isn't art but here we are in our tribes gladiatorially defending our masterpieces.

Sure the technical side always comes in and moulds this expression to be optimised for performance or readability, but it still remains an expression.

Let me ask you this, how does it make you feel when you:

- Look over old code?
- Delete code you've spent a long time putting together?
- Found a simple piece of code that does exactly what you wanted to achieve?

Wait.... code gives you feels? Let's think about THAT for second.

Anyway, major digression. Really enjoyed this talk and the "where the magic happens" graph was really interesting. Every developer should be able to plot themselves on it an see where they're lacking.

Great content and well delivered by Erika.

Great and inspiring keynote by one of my most important role models

I wanted to rate 1 because of all the aching today, but it would be unfair.

What is more awesome than lasers anyway?

on Social

This talk is a very good eye-opener for a lot of people that just joined the "Dependency Injection Club", and that are just relying on the toolset they are using, rather than reflecting on what is happening and what shouldn't happening.

Nicely delivered, even though Dan wasn't feeling all too well.

We need more of these technical opinionated talks: that's where discussion starts from.

The talk is a good introduction to different DB migration/provisioning/seeding tools, but it could really go more into the difficulties met in each scenario, and how to deal with them.

I'd suggest skipping on a few tools (mentioning only is perfectly legit!) and going with a more in-depth use-case with the tools the speaker is most familiar with.

Very good talk, very entertaining, but I was expecting a few more advanced topics to pop up.

Still rating 5 though, as it was absolutely well spent time.

A very interesting overview of the similarities of Art and Software "Engineering". Very well done!

A very short overview on threading in PHP with PThreads, but I was expecting more "hands-on" examples by the author of the extension.

Saw this already once, but I totally recommend it for any "community newcomers".