Talk comments

Cal delivered a great message about how important community is, and how some problems can only be solved together. There was an interesting concoction of personal stories and experiences that I found very valuable.

I enjoyed the deep dive into the pillars of what make a good community. I would have preferred a more general "Find your role models" message than a "Here's the prestige" pin up. I know of and follow each and every name he presented and wholly agree on how awesome they are, but I think the PHP community does need be careful not create a band of worshipped untouchable elites. There are so many amazing (but quiet) people out there that might just be your role model, go find them.

I think the message to make the effort and engage in the hallway track really sunk in. I personally spoke to over a dozen PHPers whom I'd never met before, and people seemed a lot more approachable than at other conferences I've been to. Overall it was a great delivery from Cal and an excellent keynote.

Exceptional talk. Really insightful and a great way to introduce Parallel PHP.

Tristan Bailey at 20:30 on 19 Jul 2015

Great day and nice to offer laser quest and Boardgames. Twenty minutes of running round is nice way to stretch after a day in chairs.

I would have liked to play the Boardgames but with so many people around to talk to it was hard to stop talking and go sit down for an hour when it's only a one day conference. There were quite a few who did though. A cheaper source of beer might have kept everyone in the venue longer but as almost everyone went to the same pub it was still a friendly social night.

on Social

Tristan Bailey at 20:24 on 19 Jul 2015

In was interesting talk that kept coming back to the upfront bullets to help us follow along. In effect two talks one to introduce the areas and there is no ONE solution and then a comparisons of the packages and paid options Php/MySQL devs could use which all aim to help. So I enjoyed it and it's good to know which programming problems down have a solution to find yet.

Tristan Bailey at 20:15 on 19 Jul 2015

Best technical talk of the day as made everyone consider how they were coding and if the style of their work was right. So clear and so good debate. Would have been nice to maybe cut the talk back and lead more discussion.

Tristan Bailey at 20:11 on 19 Jul 2015

Great presenter and good talk covering experience of a topic in an easy to digest way

I was a bit nervous going into this because I'm barely a beginner-level git user, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to follow along quite easily and learned loads! Very well presented, loved to the "choose your topic" approach to it as well.

Such a difficult topic to tackle because so much work is currently being done on the WP REST API project...globally I really joined seeing the practical application: the idea for the pet project and why the different components were chosen to tackle the problem. I did, however, find the talk difficult to follow for several reasons:
-The pace was a bit slow
-Things were explained and then we were told to then forget everything because obsolete :)
-I was expecting more talk on backbone.js because of the title (though again, interesting to hear how and why different pieces were chosen and worked together)

Alex Ross at 18:12 on 19 Jul 2015

Cal's keynote came from the heart. He really set the tone for the conference which encouraged everyone to start making friends and communities

Fantastic keynote, truly set the tone for the event. Always touched when speakers share such personal stories - thank you for inspiring us, Cal.