Talk comments

Great introduction to the WP-API and some good examples of how this can be linked in with native applications. Would have loved to see something said on API authentication but what was there was great!

Never before had I seen development as an art but my mind has been opened. A good, fun, thought provoking talk!

I thoroughly enjoyed this talk by Joe. It was a great overview of Parallel PHP with a nice injection of humour. I'd love to see a full length talk on it at some point!

A great keynote by Cal. Very inspirational, emotive and it set the day up perfectly!

A tricky subject to talk about but one that gets little attention usually so full credit to Harrie for tackling this subject.

I really liked that the process towards finding a solution was taken through step by step so we could clearly see the limitations of each solution.

i also enjoyed talking to Harrie after the talk about how Facebook handles its deployments for codebases and databases and I think it would be great to see the subject of seamless deployment as part of this talk or in its own talk from him because he has some good insights.

The announcements and nearby kids birthday didn't help here but that wasn't Harrie's fault and I think he did really well to hold the talk together through the problems - taking the hand held mic was a good move and an option that could have been used by previous speakers in this room.

A technical talk that was delivered in good detail. Some points go against established RFCs but I think it was good to see a talk that challenges these. Some of the choice were explained well but I felt lacked a little personal experience to back them up.

The pace of the talk made it a little tricky to keep my focus in places but the time in the day of the talk's slot had something to do with that too.

Having used Laravel for some time now, I thought it was time to check out CakePHP and see what the fuss was about. David helped me to see the practical benefits and latest features of CakePHP as a RAD tool with convention over configuration, and has inspired me to check it out for myself - being impressed with what is now on offer. Always good to have more tools in the bag!

This talk would've benefited from David having a clip-mic or better organised lectern/podium as David is very expressive and couldn't help back-handing the boom mic (which didn't really detract from the talk IMO).

The Magma Room was a bit echoey and had noise from outside bleeding in, and also the quality of the projected image was not great, making text difficult to read in some cases.

Otherwise a very well delivered talk. Could've maybe done with having a few code examples just to get an idea of what each component/behaviour/controller/model/view etc looked like, but really that's all I felt was missing. Thanks David - see you at PHPHants sometime soon no doubt :)

Lots of great tips and personal experience delivered with great energy and humour from a leading API expert. Well done Phil! Time to buy your book I feel.

I really liked that Phil had a relaxed style of speaking which kept the talk light and funny, a necessity sometimes for technical talks, but that all of the key points come across too and the talk was well delivered.

I learnt most of the things in the talk from his book but it was great to see him talk about them and get a feel for his passion for what he does.

Inspiring and encouraging talk that has motivated me engage in even more community-oriented activities, helping me to understand why they are so important. Thanks Cal, myself and many others have benefited greatly from hearing about your experiences. Really set the tone for the rest of the event - PHPSC2015 was made even richer by having you open for it. Cheers!