Talk comments

This was my first talk from Phil, but it was well-delivered - the throw-away comments exactly matched the tone of his writing on his blog, which I like. I like the anecdotes of good and bad examples.

My favourite talk. This is the second talk I've watched from Lorna, so I knew the presentation would be well-delivered. For me, the technical level was just right. I could follow everything, some things I knew, some was new.

The social was a nice ending to the day.

The dinner was nice though self-service would allow folks to choose exactly what they want (i.e. peas with the chicken and rice!).

I didn't have any interest in the board games, but I get the feeling that those who did, enjoyed it.

It was nice to get a beer on site, but I think the social atmosphere wasn't quite right, which is why most folks disappeared off to the local pub well before the venue curfew. That, and the as-expected price of the bottles being high.

Loved the Laser Quest! Definitely the best part of the social. Thanks Digital Ocean!

on Social

Enjoyed this. Just the right amount of technical knowledge, some known, some new. Well delivered.

This was my first talk from Cal, and I enjoyed it. Motivational, personal anecdotes, and delivered well.

I enjoyed the talk a lot, it's definitely made me think about using Wordpress as the backend for a side project I'm working on. I wasn't expecting the Titanium stuff but that's my own fault for not reading the abstract.

Very well delivered talk with some great humour added. Would see again!