Talk comments

Nice talk about caching from someone who has real experience with it.

This was first time I ever heard about igbinary what a nice tip to get few milliseconds and also spare lot of space!

Sometimes it was hard to follow this talk, caching right after the lunch :-).

This talk was full of great ideas. I am going to try ObjectValue on my projects as well, I hope it will make it easier.

Would love to see specific implementation with Doctrine and Symfony forms and validations.

Great talk about services and why to separate them and how it helps.

Nice reference to Amazon where everyone had to define API and communicate only via this API.

HTTP protocol was suggested, which makes sense for majority of services which are basically only request-respond once over a time. You can also use all benefits of HTTP like methods, headers and much more.

I enjoyed the talk and learned a lot, my only minor complaint was that it was a touch light on content - there was time to go into a little more depth (maybe an example of the same installer script for each provisioner?)

While there was little new here for me, it's always wise to get a refresher in web vulnerabilities, and as usual Eli delivered a concise and entertaining talk.

Anonymous at 19:31 on 27 Feb 2014

sorry, but the talk was simply boring. little to do with php or programming

Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! To address the last one about 'pointing at the slides'. Unfortunately this was a bit of a case of just not having the venue explained well enough to the speaker. I've been very used to speaking at conferences where you are broken up into smaller room situations, smaller screens, less 'stage'.

In fact I used to carry a laser pointer with me for EXACTLY those cases when I was on a 'big stage' and needed to point. But I stopped carrying it because it seemed useless since every venue (save ZendCon Main Stage) put me standing right next to the projector screen anyway.

But yeah, had the 'nature of the venue' been shared ahead of time. I would have planned a different style of presentation that wasn't so reliant on code samples. OR, would have put the effort into having click-through highlighting on each line-item to make it easy to visualize the discussion.

Thanks again everyone!

Excellent blend of humour and content. Neither detracting from the other. Also despite taking the angle of the problems with the spl still came across as a positive talk. This gave me the motivation to final start a wrapper library (I've been pondering it for a while):

Interesting talk with some points for thought (although I don't feel the appengine is quite ready for php yet - still seems a bit rough around the edges). However I'm not sure I felt the need to have the two presenters as the division between the two felt a bit forced.

Excellent overview of the three main provisioners for vagrant. Nice balance of content/depth and time.