Talk comments

Strong talk and the speaker coped well with some minor/major technical issues. The theme was amusing but I'm not sure it fitted in with the content very well.

will the presenter share the slides?

A very nice gentle talk at the end of a long day. Inspired me to start contributing after many years of good intentions.

Good selection of tools and I loved the pre-prepared screenshots so lightly dismissed in favour of real demo for each of the recommended tools. You also covered the why as well as the how, I learned some new tricks and enjoyed watching you speak (even in quite a tricky low-ceilinged room)

This was a really good talk, lots of solid, useful technical material and while it did begin at the beginning, I thought it went off nicely into some depth and explained different types of caching well. I found it offputting that the speaker was speaking to and pointing at his slides - this was a main track talk so people need to see you, not the back of you, and there are relay screens as well which you can't point at. Recommend you put in line numbers or highlights and refer to your code that way - it will scale better.

Best of all: I *loved* the stories, not many people have such a credible CV for this type of work and it made the techniques come alive.

Nice talk, quite hard to follow from the video overflow track when you point at the screen ... we can't always see that! Great stories, good tech and I especially liked the warnings about not labelling your API as RESTful :) I think you could speak more slowly, might make you a little easier to follow and give better separation between points.

This was the perfect start to the day, nothing too glib or shouty, just some great stories and a call to action to us all to think about what we make as well as how we make it. Thanks :)