Talk comments

Great talk by Cal Evans, loved the topic and the approach. Got a lot's notes and *ideas* there are some people that should fear now :)

Looking forward for continuation!

Very funny to listen to, David knows how he can entertain people until the end of his presentation. David gave me some usefull tips along the way. Thank you!

Good talk about the Joel Test, great presentation style, easy to listen. I left the room with some new ideas and tips that I started using right away.

Juliette her presentation was quite quick and that is what I really loved about it, examples, tips, best practices fast after each other, great! The presentation was about RegExp and RegExp only, very usefull.

It was nice to see an example of the Java Bridge, till now I didn't realize this could be so easily done. The PDF/ZF part was less interesting for me personally but I would really like to see a presentation with the JavaBridge as main subject.

I really liked the way everything was introduced, Fabien started with basics for every fraction of his code. Didn't see practical use of lambdas before and this made it all a lot clearer!

Very good presentation by Fabien Potencier. Below is a small review:

Presentational stuff:
Too bad some code was not really readable on the projection screen. The purple color on the black slide could only be read from close by.
But that didn't really have an impact on the presentation.

The sound of this presentation was good and I could hear everything he said, in despite of other presentations where this wasn't the case.

Technical stuff:
He made some very interesting use of the new lambda and closure functionality in PHP 5.3 and actually provided a practical usecase example for people who might not have yet seen any practical usages for this specific new functionality.

Not only because of this alone the talk was already useful to view, it was also because he showed us how we could take advantage, and how we couldn't take advantage of Dependency Injection.

When should we use it, and when shouldn't we, and what approach should we take and which shouldn't we? Those are the questions he answered, and those are the ones he should have answered.

Bonuspoints for the technical content :).

Good presentation from a very talented speaker!
Unfortunately I didn't learned anything new and I consider most developers should already know all of those best practices.
What most developers don't know is how to put that in place towards a management having different priorities.

Although Eric wasn't able to attend due to the bad weather it was really nice to see that a web-presentation at a conference can work out really well. The only 2 things missing was interaction with the facial emotions or raising hands (as mentioned on a slide *LOL*), and asking questions was a bit harder but not impossible.
The talk itself started of with some Zend talk, but I can't blame Eric for that, Zend is still the company that made it all possible for us.
And even though the talk was aimed at PDF and Zend Framework, the Java Bridging was the most interesting. Never knew it could be that easy! To get into the generating PDF part much more knowledge is needed on that, and I don't see myself going through that in the near future. But I still keep the possibility in mind and might have a second look at this presentation then.

Some people are natural speakers, and for Rowan everything seems to come so easy. Great presentation style, great slides. And an excellent choice of subject, one that is not spoken about too often to developers.