Talk comments

After seeing Kore Nordmann's talk about CouchDB I was very interested in someone else's view since I still didn't have the time to check it out. And Sander really has a very good talk to make things even more clear. Especially the pace of it was very good, and it was very well balanced between using CouchDB and combining it with PHP.
The only thing missing was the right contrast on the slides to actually read the code. But I bet that won't be a problem anymore next time this talk is given.

Let's be silly and rate my own talk from my point of view;
I really liked the audience interacting and even teaching me a thing or two which I've never ran into. I felt the tech-love in the room! :)
It scared me a little at first, and being tired and all also influenced my talk a bit. But it's no excuse, next time I will bring a big pile of chocolate-chip-cookies-feeling and be more fit.

This feedback is actually very good since I didn't know if anyone noticed. I got that chocolate-chip-cookies feeling all over!

This was a refreshing talk, while the tools have their specific goal they can be very powerful indeed.
I'm one of those people who'd like to see more tools in one session (maybe in a bit less detail), so the powers of UNIX will become more clear to developers.

But I must admit Joshua is a very good speaker with a good balance between fun and knowledge. I bet we'll be hearing a lot more from him.

I really like that Microsoft knows it's place in web development and reaches out for that. I'm still a little awkward about it as well. But sponsoring a php conference, reaching out to the PHP community with examples like these and some more things which weren't presented at this session makes me feel that they deserve a chance!

Very nice tutorial, as part of the crew I didn't get all of it because I still had work to do. But I caught just enough to get a Solr installation running and find the GUI to look for the things Paul teached us from there on out.


Very true. I'm considering doing such a presentation in the near future. Bash is truly something that is underestimated by a lot of users (for instance, the simple things like ctrl-r or using group commands {}).

This was one of my favorites, first I was looking at the most nasty tricks out there to test legacy code which you wouldn't want to touch. But the disclaimer in the end to always write good code made my day.

These are no measures to take when you write your own code, but when you get into a situation where you have to inherit someone else's dirt these tricks do come in handy!

Great way to close the conference! I had a good laugh. Lots of kind words, seems to me like you are amazingly good at community building. I feel like cookie dough already ;-)

Interesting problem! But, I'm not wild about generative programming. I hoped for more alternatives.

I got out of the room and actually had a solution (using CouchDB) for a technical problem of ours in mind. What more can you wish for. :-) The colour contrast of the code did suck.