Git some really nice ideas from this talk. Just what a conference talk should be about (to me)!
Great conference!
Sf rules ;)
Awesome talk! Very practical talk on domain models. Good addition to other more theoretical talks on domain models.
Very good and also very funny talk that does an excellent job of explaining the different strategies for using dependency injection.
And why a chosen solution in a certain situation might or might not be a good idea ;-)
Very enjoyable.
As said by others, it was sometimes hard to follow. Was also not really convinced to start using Heka, as it does not really seem that "ready for production" yet.
Nice introduction with an exciting live demo :-)
Good to follow, also with little knowledge of other configuration tools.
Expected some more practical examples we could use straight away, instead focussed a bit more on why clean code is important. None the less, very interesting talk.
Really love the quote "code is mostly written once, but read many times".
Solid introduction on apigility pointing out what the tool can do for you as a developer of an API.
Explains the design decisions that were made while building the tool and a little bit about the standards being used (HAL, why json, api-problem+json).
Didn't mind the water drinking personally; after a while I stopped noticing it. It's less intrusive and much more comfortable than ending up with coughing fits for sure.
Solid talk and introduction to some of the hard technical aspects. I liked the softer considerations that there should be a balance between coding-standards-fanaticism and business goals as well.
The funny parts prevented me from fully entering my food coma. Very informative and enjoyable.
This may or may not be a good talk :) try to use those words a bit less, although it is fun when you're trying to make a drinking game out of it. The talk itself was pretty technical with lots of functions. But it explained to me very well what Postgres has to offer, so I found it very interesting.