Talk comments

Funny talk as always, and I loved the presentation style and slides

Great slides, lots of stories well told that taught a lot. I'll be watching it again on video, as I'm sure I missed a lot

An excellent way to learn what's new - there's already things I can't wait to start using. The code examples were helpful and appreciated, and everything was clearly and confidently explained

Great thought provoking talk full of humour, and coped well with the technical issues at the start

Would reiterate the point about colours on the projector. I'm sure the speaker is all too aware of that!

May well make me rethink my current approach of minimal documentation!

Good talk, thanks. Judging by the questions, I think some people were confused by the warning about use of new() but that is a fairly minor point. It's good also that you responded to feedback from previous occasions and incorporated it into this talk, even if it overran this time.

Great talk. Good to hear the BBC's perspective on bandwidth, accessibility and a global audience. I made lots of notes, which I'll need to digest at some point.

Liked the cat videos for the water breaks as well.

We're struggling to do code reviews at the moment. I picked up some useful ideas from this talk such as adding VC hooks. I also wasn't aware of some of the tools that help with code review and check for stuff automatically. I'll be checking those out.

I would have preferred it if one of the characters in the scenario was female. I know there aren't a lot of women in IT so the fictitious all-male team presented is common. And sadly there were very few women at the conference. But I think it is good to be inclusive.

Good talk though and hopefully I'll be putting some of the ideas into practice soon.