Talk comments

It was great pleasure to attend this lecture.

on Keynote

Robert Basic at 12:44 on 2 Jun 2017

I love Rob's presentation style. Every time I see him present I enjoy the talk very much and I learn a lot - this time was no exception.

Robert Basic at 12:40 on 2 Jun 2017

I liked that the speaker left more time for questions.

on Keynote

Nenad Kozul at 02:52 on 2 Jun 2017

Needed expanding, but a great start, nevertheless!
Next time, do go deeper about pitfalls and gotchas, hidden features as well as debugging in non-IDEs such as Sublime, Atom, Vim, Brackets, etc.

Nenad Kozul at 02:49 on 2 Jun 2017

I know this isn't the "Practicum", but I would have really appreciated some real world examples here.
Other than that, great talk!

Nenad Kozul at 02:46 on 2 Jun 2017

Fun fact: All clocks and cell phones in the room suddenly turned to 12:00 AM, January 1, 1970. as this talk was delivered.

Okay, that's probably a lie, but the talk was still great and it delivered quality info on the various gotchas regarding time in the real world of geographical oddities, weird bureaucrats and stubborn politicians.

Nenad Kozul at 02:41 on 2 Jun 2017

The OG of PHP delivers.
Also, listen to the man, upgrade to 7!

on Keynote

Nenad Kozul at 02:40 on 2 Jun 2017

Something to think about before running Composer and including 50 dependencies while making a quick API. Yes, CPU and memory are cheap, but not that cheap.

Nenad Kozul at 02:38 on 2 Jun 2017

Jam packed with useful info on how to standardize your logging and how to deal with events.