Talk comments

Nenad Kozul at 02:37 on 2 Jun 2017

Great presentation on how to avoid code smell! "Future you" will be thankful if you implement what was said at this talk.

Nenad Kozul at 02:35 on 2 Jun 2017

This presentation gave everyone a truly great platform to start off with Jenkins. Packed with useful information. We were all very much glued to the screen.

While some people said the title was misleading because this was a beginner level talk, Anna did speed up the query more than 300 times. From having no indexes to nicely optimized database tables, this was a great reminder of some SQL basics, and it was delivered (almost) perfectly.

Great talk about DDD. Made my re-think the way I design my projects

Great talk covering wide range of most popular databases today. Great speaker!

Interesting topic, but hard to follow :/

Great talk about building APIs that comply with PSR-7 standards

Really great talk by Rasmus. Awesome notes on saving the world by upgrading to PHP 7

on Keynote

Speakers were good as a team, funny and wanted to share their knowledge, the subject was very interesting, but only people with laptops were involved. There was a lot of waiting for installation process and downloading packages, probably, it would be better if they just show us, and explained whole process themselves.

Great tips about testing, easy to follow. Please bring stickers again :)