Talk comments

Informative, Clear, Interesting

Brock Boren at 17:49 on 20 Nov 2017

My favorite presentation that I attended this year. Great balance of design knowledge and real-world application.

Loved the real world examples, as well as the underlying message of "YAGNI right now, but you'd be best not to build yourself into a corner in case you do need it later."

I went into the talk expecting a discussion around multitenancy in the resource sense (e.g. "here's a situation where you might want to set up a read-only clone of the database to avoid putting load on your main application when serving the API"), but this talk was more focused on Crowdskout's application architecture, which uses a pretty common many-to-many relationship (making the "tenants" multiple customers in the same database).

Overall, the content was good (especially for a first-time talk), but I'd recommend re-branding this more as a survey of Laravel model relationships.

The constant switching from slides to code got distracting pretty quickly; the talk may be better served with static code examples inside the slides.

A fantastic primer into the infosec community, demystifying terms and acronyms that are common on Hacker News but may be outside the vernacular of the typical developer.

I also learned about SS7 and how totally vulnerable we are. Thanks for that, Eric — I was getting too comfortable ;)

Sandy Smith at 14:18 on 20 Nov 2017

Excellent structure to the talk.

I've attended a few different machine learning courses, but this was one of the most approachable "here is what we can do, some high-level principles, a working example, and a discussion about ethics" introductory courses I've ever had the pleasure to attend.

Kesha seemed a little nervous at the start of the talk, but quickly found her stride and built a great rapport with the audience. Granting attendees to her [normally paid] course for free was icing on an already excellent presentation.

Very entertaining and insightful talk, though it's unfortunate that he used an Al Franken anecdote less than 24 hours after the Leeann Tweeden story broke.

MySQL query optimization can often be a rather dry topic, but Dave's great at giving real-world examples. The talk got a little deeper than I'd expect to see at a PHP conference (though it *is* an advanced talk), and could probably be made more approachable if it leaned more heavily on a"here are two ways to query this hypothetical data, and why the engine can handle this one more efficiently" approach.

A large portion of the talk was centered on "here's how to approach a legacy application" rather than Laravel-specific recommendations, but that kind of knowledge is always appreciated and useful. The Laravel components portion also demonstrated the power of a platform like Laravel, which acts as the glue to bind disparate libraries together.