Talk comments

This was by far one of my favorite regular talks from this conference. I learned a lot but feel like I didn't retain much of it. I wish there were slides or something I could refer to?

Great delivery. Very fast. Very funny. Very informational. Engaging from beginning to end. Excellent job!

You covered a lot of points in a very short period of time. You spoke very quickly but it was still understandable. I wasn't paying 100% attention the entire time but it sounded like the flow was pretty logical. Very nice!

Anonymous at 18:19 on 15 Feb 2014

Great talk. I noticed one comparison toward the end where it wasn't pointed out that a particular algorithm required presorted input, but otherwise, it was a pleasantly nostalgic review of material I'd learned from university.

Personally I liked the pace. It gave me more time to think about what Jeff was saying. I heard 'naming' things well is hard; nested if blocks are roadblocks to comprehension (by other humans); returning types consistently reduces surprise. That's 3 principles I could comprehend and take back home and apply. Jeff extracted a few ideas from 2 great computer books that he referenced, "Clean Code," and "Refactoring," and showed how they could be applied to server side php (model code in MVC).

@Thijs - Thanks for the feedback! To disable CPU and/or memory profiling just delete the flag. So if you want to turn both off you just call `xhprof_enable()`.

Cal is an entertainer and that is something I really like. As a fellow speaker I believe that you should entertain your audience first and then educate them. Cal did this brilliantly.

Although there wasn't much tech involved in the talk, it inspired me and that's what it's all about. I've seen Cal speak a couple of times (at PHPBenelux, at DPC and now at SunshinPHP) and it always puts a smile on my face.

You could say that it's the same talk all and over again, but who cares about that: the message is solid and why should you change a successful formula.

As a speaker, I'll definitely try to use some of Cal's tricks when preparing future talks.

5 stars: this guy knows what he's talking about. I learned a couple of really cool tricks. I also like Ricard's confidence and presentation style.

Next time around I would like to see more hands-on examples of typical Redis configurations. For example about Sentinel.

I agree with some of the criticism: it wasn't a typical keynote and it was actually an Apigility pitch.

But then again: Matthew clearily indicated this at the beginning of the talk, so no suprises there.

I liked this talk, but I've seen the Apigility talk at ZendConEU, so in terms of content there were no surprises there either.

The only thing I would change is the title: I would mention Apigility so that people know in advance what they're going to see.

But still a very good talk delivered by a good speaker.

Great to see that GitHub is eating its own dogfood. Proves that the tools they build are really good.

I also love the speaking skills that Elizabeth brings to the table: very engaging, without being too "in your face". I love the humor in the talk and the fact that Elizabeth consistently behaves like a caring older sister.

Loved it!