Talk comments

did you put your slides up? please do, i wish i could have stayed, i heard very good things about you and i am interested

Raises the level of an IQ up a few notches. Great talk..

I got late here, but if Jacob speaks I want to be around. He has interesting views and a ton of experience in the area of business. He is a great developer and keeps business under the line and for me that is important. Please put your slides up jj!

David is very prompt to help and respond my silly questions. Thanks David, you are a great dev and you care about what you do and helping people. I got my first in person class on cmf now, I feel certified now to develop with cmf.

My takeaway is do whatever you need to do with ContentBundle and research the createBundle.

I think Jeremy was funny. He is rapid speaker, I am lucky to catch up with him in some things. I am actually not sure why we rate this. But in any case "anonymous" is wrong :)

I think it was a great talk. My takeaway is go to the construction industry. :)

Nacho is very knowledgeable and has embraced the right tool for the right job with nodejs and symfony2 when needed. Something it was a reminder for me is i must use FOSJSroutingBundle in my project asap :)
I know Nacho and know he has a lot more potential, I am looking forward to seeing more specific lectures from him.

My take away from this: "Go big or go home".

From the internets:
"an expression the speaker says to the listener to encourage the listener to be extravagant, to go all the way, and do whatever you are doing to its fullest - and not flake out."

From the Word of God (aka Bible): Ecclesiastes 9:10

I like that Kris cares and that he appreciates things. To be able to architect things means you care, things matter and are important. It is something worth and happy understanding that there is a divine trace reflecting the creator's nature yelling `He cares!` about his creatures no matter how hardships assailed us.

Encouragements back to you Kris.

Fun break in the flow, but whoever it was in the audience was right... setup took longer than the talk. 8^)

A little small, hard to compete with the happy hour, but good information all around. Nice to be able to see knowledgeable people discussing such a nuanced topic from different angles. Would like to see more events like this.