Talk comments

I agree, this was one of the best talks I was able to see this past weekend. Is there any way you can make your slides available?

Yes I did get confused with the austria of things, because Peru's flag is very similar also. The ninja cycle adapt, extend, compose, etc was indeed very good so you should have just keep it to a minimum. But the meat of the presentation was very good. I now have a bigger picture on forms and I am looking forward to put into practice what I see like a horizontal extension. Very good talk indeed!

This and Nacho's talk were hard ones for someone not familiar with non blocking io and nodejs. Basically would have loved if the speaker should have presented using the tools from reactphp that igorw worked on and not from scratch. Lots of interesting stuff though.

I think I had seen it before but this time I got more information from the speaker himself. The things will become useful once things are really required, not there yet.

Just as funny as I hoped.

To "Anonymous" you aught to have your funny bone checked out. I think it's broken.

Fabian took over the room with his riveting stories, inspiring the developer in all of us.

Ligaya did a great job of clearly explaining things to make sure everyone was on the same page, and then walking us step by step in setting up a replicating server configuration.

Great tips for getting started with a user group and for helping to keep it running!

Thanks so much for taking the time to put together this presentation. It affirmed many architecture decisions I've made in past applications but also taught me a few things. I picked up a few tips on Assetic like whitelisting scanned bundles and that Twig's path() can accept a directory. I love the idea and visuals for the layering concepts. More devs need to hear about that concept.

I think the talk's content could be split into two separate presentations. First the Symfony architecture side of things (mostly the first part of your talk with various tips and some of the Event stuff) and second doing a talk specifically geared towards modeling domain code, the layers concepts, how to leverage various Doctrine listeners for specific purposes and expand on all of that with more code examples.

And total bonus points for giving away shirts! :)

I'm only slightly familiar with MongoDB, but I took away some advice great for relational databases too. The ideas on denormalization are great and worth noting for many normalized-obsesssed developers. I was able to take some good notes and bookmark some ideas for if/when I use MongoDB in the future. Your delivery style is great and continually engaging. I was never bored.