Even though I have spent quite some time looking at the HTTP/1.1 specification lately, I still managed to learn s.th. tonight.
I would have loved to hear what Fabien thinks of the "Proxy Cache" v.s. "Compression of the Content" problematic, as I still don't really know which to favor myself ;)
Great talk! Thx!
Interesting to see where this project is going too.
I learned what RabbitMQ is all about and what I could use a message queuing system for. A little demo would have been nice, but I guess there was no time for that. In addition, some syntax highlighting of the code in the slides would have been appreciated.
I learned s.th., and that's the most important!
I hate to give a bad rating to s.o. as brilliant as Fabien. But I guess one has to live with the risks of a purely live coding keynote ;) This said, I don't regret having been in the room, as the "Apache Config" kind of became a running gag of the conference… And his keynote of the second day just kicked ass!
I loved Josh's talk! "Automate things only after the 3rd repetition" kind of became a running gag during the conference, but makes total sense! Looking forward to hearing more of his talks!
Les slides de ma conférences sont en ligne sur Slideshare : http://www.slideshare.net/hhamon/symfony2-en-pices-dtaches
nice presentation, liked it a lot.
Very nice presentation. I'm convinced to give Twig a try.
Thanks! :)
Learned s.th. there. I think a demo would maybe have helped in clearing some of the things I didn't understand.
It got me interested enough to look forward to working with Redis in the near future ;)