Talk comments

The talk needs a bit more polishing, I got the feeling you started enjoying writing the code for the talk too much!

On the positive, enjoyed looking at the code, and I think you could make a better talk out of it.

Great talk and a great speaker, the story side of things was inspiring.

Solid points, well presented.

The best talk of the conference. I was lucky to be in the front row, so could see the code easily to follow what was going on. I left feeling absolutely inspired! Great talk, well presented. The speakers both had such obvious passion towards the subject matter, I found it very engaging.


A nice introduction into the Sonata Admin Bundle. Will definitely be looking into this bundle in the future, and some really nice features were covered

Some really nice insights on good configuration and validation. Nicely put together and an enjoyable talk

A very enjoyable and informative talk. Some great ideas and concepts presented in an entertaining way

By far the best talk of the day. Informative, entertaining, enthusiastic and a great introduction to Behat and BDD.

Loved it!

Quite a white-knuckle ride! I was lucky enough to be sitting at the front, so could see all the CLI and vim action at the bottom of the screen otherwise I'd have been frustrated that I couldn't see what was going on.

I hadn't looked at PHPSpec before so it was very useful to see how that could be used to help BDD. A
number of people said that Behat was on their 'to do list' of things to explore and whilst I appreciate that Marcello and/or Konstantin have done a more basic talk many times before, a number of people present might have appreciated this too.

But full marks for giving a high-energy and high-inspiration talk.

A good talk. I think the fact that it talked about the components, not the full framework, was a bonus - reminding us that symfony components can be used very successfully when a full-stack deployment is not practical. Thinking about how many legacy apps there are out there, symfony components represent a way to extend their life without re-writing.