Agreed, the enthusiasm could have been better, but regardless the talk was very informative and enjoyable, good to hear what's in store for the framework and where we're heading.
Whilst sometimes it felt a little like I was being sold Drupal, I get why that was– and overall this was a very entertaining and informative talk.
Good talk, plenty of examples and these little tricks and tips, never looked at satis - I will definitely look at it now. The talk was a bit flat and definitely needs a bit more entertaining bits here and there or a bit more engagement with the audience. But the content was spot on. Really enjoyed it.
Having no experience doing code reviews let alone effective ones, surprisingly I enjoyed this talk more than I thought I would- points well made, and some great tools discussed for getting the job done.
Very interesting and well presented talk. It was really useful to learn about how it all started with Drupal along with all these little stories. It all together made it very entertaining story. Good luck with symfony2 components adoption!
Great talk - good overview without getting bogged down explaining every line to the nth-degree - just what was needed to make the point. I'd echo what others have said, best talk of the day.
Ashamed to say I drifted in and out of this a little during the talk, it's hard to focus on a code presentation for the full length, but overall as with the consensus I thought this was a great talk, really good as an intro to Elastic BeanStalk, and how easy it is to go about setting up a project in a production environment on it.
Overall I thought this was pretty good, I'd have enjoyed a bit more depth with maybe some rough examples of what sort of thing has been swapped out- i.e. the main problems with the respective Drupal component(s) and how replacing them with Symfony2 components acheived x y z goals, but otherwise, a good summary of what's happening in Drupal in relation to Symfony2.
I agree with John, and additionally the delivery wasn't great. There were some great tips here and there, but overall I was looking for the talk to live up more to the title of 'in-depth'. Regardless I'm very excited about the Composer project, and as has been said, Jordi is clearly very passionate about it and I'm looking forward to what's coming in the future.
Great! Looking at where you got to in the commit logs, it is a real shame that you didn't have a longer session, but being able to work through your example myself in this way is a perfect supplement. Thanks Marcello & Konstantin for a great talk :o)