Talk comments

Inspiring talk but could be a little shorter

Talk was ok, English could be better. Good things i picked up were the pragmatism and to learn from others. Will definitely read the Pragmatic Programmer.

A clear and easy to follow talk with some good examples.

I really enjoyed this talk! Not boring at all, very inspiring.

Good talk, very clear and very enthusiastic. Good code examples, really looking forward to check out silex.

Very difficult to understand, "frenchy english".

Too much information, and also too much small code on the sheets. That maked it really hard to follow. However I think the bundle is really really cool. Haven't take a look at it yet, and thats also why it was hard to follow for me.

Everyone can talk about the advantages of contributing to OS projects. It takes good speakers to make it seem fun, exciting and sexy. And Stefan and Christian did just that. Engaging talk, shitloads of humor, in depth exploration of the subject, and it showed many facets about the whole OS thing I hadn't thought about yet.
I'm trying hard to find anything that was wrong with this talk, but there just isn't any. Thanks guys!

Anonymous at 14:36 on 23 Oct 2011

That's how you do a Keynote. Massively entertaining, inspiring and rewarding for those more willing community members who travelled from afar to learn more about it.

One thing I would say is that Fabien was a little curt with some of those who asked questions. It was fairly obvious from today that even some of the people giving presentations don't fully understand the Framework's intricacies (there were a lot of "I don't know, but I'm sure Fabien can tell you.") So if people ask basic questions, that's to be expected, not derided.

It's obvious though that Fabien understands the power and importance of the community, and all of the announcements and initiatives are no doubt going to thrust Symfony2 t'wards the heavens. We are all suitably excited now too.

In homage to the community badges, I'd reward 10,000 points for the anticipated "when will it be live" question. Top level.

on TBA

Anonymous at 14:29 on 23 Oct 2011

Perhaps a little disjointed in it's execution the talk was good, but failed short of nailing the principles home somehow. It is good to get a reminder of these things, and how important they are - I'll be adding the Pragmatic Programmer to my wishlist too.

Anonymous at 14:26 on 23 Oct 2011

I'd not really bothered to look too hard at Silex, but that will change now. I'm familiar with Sinatra, but I'm more familiar with PHP, and I'm beginning to understand Symfony2 much better now too, so this fills in a lot of gaps for me.

It's a super example of how Symfony2's components can be abstracted and used to build something really useful. It was also great to hear everyone chatting furiously on how they could use it in a real world project immediately after.

Igor had a good style, and his obvious enthusiasm is infectious.