Talk comments

Fantastic talk, Mark. Not a lot to take a way technically but plenty to glean from the road map and execution of updating a legacy code base. Helps you not only sympathize with the original developers who were writing code that works in order to ship, but also identify with those forced to handle the subsequent cleanup and the problems encountered along the way with project stakeholders.

Great talk, Colin. Given with the poise of a seasoned veteran. Learned quite a bit about javascript, a language I generally approach with trepidation.

Great talk. Really exposed the depth of building out an effective api. The maturity model and explanations of the individual levels were very helpful.

Very interesting. Learned some new things in relation to generators that I didn't know. I personally felt that idea of how to use promises could have been a bit better though.

Good talk, but definitely geared more towards those that have experience with Angular. I found myself somewhat lost a good portion of the time, just because I don't have any experience beyond another Angular talk at a conference last year. I don't fault the speaker for that, but would have liked to have known up front that it wasn't geared towards the beginner.

I personally felt that some of the advice offered in this talk wasn't very good. Following the advice really restricts how one could utilize an ORM in an effective way. For example, I don't agree that entities MUST contain behaviors, otherwise you shouldn't be using an ORM. We prefer to keep our models "stupid" and many of them contain little to no behavior. We still fully utilize doctrine as an ORM to manage those entities.

Would have liked to have seen more diversity in the types of tools, instead of just different tools that do the same things.

Great topic that I can relate too. Glad to see Ed getting it out there so that more people can talk about it.