SensioLabs is proud to announce the second edition of the exceptionally successful Symfony Live London.

Friday 20th September 2013

09:35 Avoiding the mud
Talk by Richard Miller (50 minutes)

Avoiding the mud

Build your first Symfony2 application
Talk by Stefan Koopmanschap (50 minutes)

Build your first Symfony2 application

10:30 The HttpKernelInterface is a lie
Talk by Igor (40 minutes)

The HttpKernelInterface is a lie

A year with Symfony2
Talk by Lars Janssen (40 minutes)

A year with Symfony2

11:30 Integrating Drupal 8 into Symfony2
Talk by Fabrice Bernhard (40 minutes)

Integrating Drupal 8 into Symfony2

Using PhpSpec to build quality into a Symfony app
Talk by Jakub Zalas (40 minutes)

Using PhpSpec to build quality into a Symfony app

12:20 The Framework as an implementation detail
Talk by Marcello Duarte, Konstantin Kudryashov (40 minutes)

The Framework as an implementation detail

Transforming a legacy PHP application using Symfony2 and Varnish
Talk by Craig Marvelley (40 minutes)

Transforming a legacy PHP application using Symfony2 and Varnish

14:00 Building Better Developers
Talk by Rowan Merewood (40 minutes)

Building Better Developers

Extract till you drop
Talk by Mathias Verraes (40 minutes)

Extract till you drop

Silex; From micro to full-stack
Talk by Dustin Whittle (40 minutes)

Silex; From micro to full-stack

Xdebug for Symfony Developers
Talk by Derick Rethans (40 minutes)

Xdebug for Symfony Developers

Expression Language in Symfony 2.4
Keynote by Fabien Potencier (45 minutes)

Expression Language in Symfony 2.4