Talk comments

Good introduction to Node.js. Very honest on his knowledge and it definitely make me more curious about node.

He gave some interesting pieces of info and theories that are applicable to professional world!

Very Good

It was a good opening speech for the conference! Motivational speech which was not expected in this sort of conference however kudos for sharing it with us as it is something people in our area need.

Well, it's always nice to be attacked by the germans. If it's a sharkattack, it was interesting and good all over :)

Funny and interesting. The shark stunt at the end worked brilliantly.

Was expecting more of a "web operations" talk, but it ended up being a list of the services and tools available for setting up a cloud based infrastructure.
It failed to mention one of the big player on the cloud, Rackspace's (RackConnect's CloudServer and CloudFiles). Also failed to mention Chef, which I think has grown into something as big, or almost as big as Puppet.

I really liked this talk, how the speaker was really interacting with the audience and spoke with confidence and perfect timing - Nicely done!

Only thing is that people putting up their hand may not feel great talking, putting up a hand is easy, so if a person looks a bit shy or distant, you should probably take that into account - They may feel uncomfortable otherwise and that can completely ruin the experience.

Good topic , but the code bit where in a font to small for me to follow them comfortably which lead me into getting lost at times.

It was funny but it consistently failed to address the key points on the topics it was ranting about. The content was not exactly what the description would suggest.