Talk comments

A great talk about building community. While Dries started Drupal, that wasn't the focus of the talk. Building a good community is hard, and he provided some great points on how to do it.

A good architectural background on MVC and why it doesn't really work for the web. This talk ended up causing a big discussion later that night over MVC and what should be done.

A great intro. I've been using git for a while and I never knew about patch adding!

I love talks like this from Michelangelo. Even though I run CI, I still picked up a few tools and want to look at phing harder now.

The content was great, but only an hour might be a bit too short for it. This talk would be slightly better if it had a larger timeslot. Lots of good info though.

I'm only disappointed that there was no interpretive dance. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to ZF 2.0 and this was a great intro to what is coming.

Great discussion over getting into the community as well as how to get around some of the issues that PUGs face.

Very good talk, learned the good/bad of SQL vs NoSQL. Examples were right on topic and Stefan's knowledge paired with his humor made this talk exceptionally easy to grasp the advanced concepts he touched on. Not just another here's how to write to MongoDB.

Lots of ramp up, and great code samples. This could/should have been a full day tutorial.

Picked up good sample code from Ralph's github account, now it's time to refactor my own code.

Great talk, Fabien makes DI simple and it seems very complicated. Presentation was great, slides had lot's of code and it seems that everyone enjoyed Fabien's humor.