Interesting material. Sergei was a little hard to understand at times, mostly due to volume and how fast he talked rather than his accent. Would have liked a little more focus on how-to than feature listing.
A little higher-level than I would have liked, but good information from an overview level. Good presentation.
Great talk. Questions from the audience ended up shortening the talk and some of the slightly more advanced concepts got missed. Well presented though. Good information, particularly the workflow.
Good update and insight from a person from inside the development team. Audience seemed to be not so specialized in the topic to evaluate it properly (same as me, I'm definitely not a pro in this area), just a couple of people could clearly see the benefits and consequences of newer MariaDB.
Would recommend to the speaker, however, to work on the future speeches - clarity of words needs to be improved, and the tone should not be flat all the time (more stresses, more emotions) - so it is easier to listen and comprehend. This was the only con for the talk.
I like when experienced tech people come to the conference - much better to listen to speeches "devs-to-devs" about real accomplishments with engineering facts, rather than to marketing stuff "how we all live long and happily with our great tool".
So I liked the talk from Sergey. Thanks!
Excellent. I've been wanting to contribute to the core language, and this talk makes it very accessible.
Good talk, but would have liked a few more code examples
Great talk. We currently use nginx, but nowe we can use it better!
I enjoyed the talk. It was fun and covered a lot of info and mentioned lots of the available services and how some could be used to make scaling better or cheaper.
Excellent talk, really informative. I was definitely doing JS oop wrong before. Excellent presentation style.
Good presentation, good presenter. Material was a little basic at times, but maybe that's just me.