Talk comments

Decent talk, but I think it needed more concrete examples within the Zend framework. +1 for introducing Mink and Behat which are new to me.

My favorite talk of Zendcon 2013. Excellent, clear, concrete examples that really pointed out the differences between how the different design patterns can be implemented. Nice that it seemed like a jumping-off point and not a "you should always do things this way" talk.

Good talk, inspiring, especially with the talk about apigility, but a bit zend-centric. I guess it's not surprising considering it was "zendcon".

After this talk, I feel like I finally grok JavaScript objects. The information was excellent. As a speaker, Jordan has a great rapport with the audience—great delivery and style.

Excellent talk, very informative. Any chance of getting the slides? Thanks!

Impressively well done. I consider myself a security nut and I learned quite a few things today so THANK YOU!

Lots of great information -- thanks for going over so much more than just EC2, but rather the whole infrastructure that could be utilized within EC2.

Well done, thanks for all the great information!

Excellent keynote. I would have loved to see what this hover craft could do! :)

Nice talk. Nice speaker. Can't think of anything negative.