Great talk. I especially appreciate your points on common pitfalls and solutions.
To me this was one of the best talks in the conference in the sense that if you apply what was covered, your programing skills will definitely go up a few notches. I found it very interesting because I've been trying to implement DDD lately and this talk confirmed that I was doing it the right way (or at least in *one* of the right ways). Thanks Ralph!
VERY thorough and to the point. The talk was engaging from minute one until the end. I've been to at least 5 talks on unit testing and this is the first one that went deeply into all the different kinds of test objects available to you (stubs, mocks, fakes, dummies, and spies) with relevant examples instead of theoretical use. Great job!
Worth waking up early in the morning for.
good overview; wish you'd spent more time on web sockets
This is the second talk I attend by this speaker and the same thing amazed me this time: how deep knowledge he shows of the subject matter. And by the way, he was probably the only speaker at ZendCon who projected his voice properly throughout the *whole* talk. A+ presenting skills.
Great talk.
May be worth spending a minute or two on MongoDB alternatives/competitors and why MongoDB. Maybe mention a few anecdotal use cases you've come across.