very good overview
I would have loved to have less "intro" and more "phpunit". Still, great talk and the contents were very relevant (plus he's a freaking genius).
I agree with some others, it was just a bit too much marketing, non real content.
I want his desk (and all its contents).
Great talk. I was excited to learn about private packages with Satis.
Best talk of the conference! You really helped to connect the dots for me. We are right in the midst of trying to implement DDD and we did not even know it was called DDD! LOL. Thanks!
Specifically, thanks for bringing things back to real world implementations. Too many sessions simply talked about the history of the technology and a few cool things you can do with it. There was a lot of valuable meat in your talk!
Again, Thanks!!
Very informative presentation, but some real world examples might help solidify the information.
Adam gave a great presentation explaining the benefits of refactoring.
Clearly Ben knows what he is talking about. Good talk!