Talk comments

Great session. Lots of useful info. I will use Adam's tips in my work.

It was an informative session on sockets usage in PHP. What I was expecting but didn't get (and would suggest to the lector for the next time, if I may) is more attention on the web sockets and a practical example of the usage, using the presented / proposed php and js libraries.

I would like to note that Elisabeth is a fun speaker, I enjoyed her speaking style.

Anonymous at 12:43 on 9 Oct 2013

Good talk. Mentioned some settings I wasn't familiar with.

on Xdebug

Thought it was a good session and learned something.

I am sorry but I don't like tie die (I don't even know how to spell it), it makes me crazy but despite the tie die... This man is a great speaker.

This talk was awesome bridging the past from C64 and further back to crazy android based flying machines controlled with a phone.

David brought out the geeky inner child in the entire audience. We watched, enthralled with child like wonder, thinking things like "Could you imagine being a kid today having your own affordable remote control flying machine with cameras and programmable activators", and begs the question "What amazing things will our children create using these kind of technologies?"

ps. Did you work on Borland 3.5 (still my favourite C++ IDE)?

I would like to see more information and examples of PHPUnit, something about the topic still eludes me. I have had trouble getting that aha grok moment in how it all works.

Agreed, pgBadger is very nice tool, but trying to inject some PHP into the talk ;-)

Anonymous at 12:21 on 9 Oct 2013

Great talk but I was a little bit disappointed that the first 30 minutes was a repeat of content from the "Clean Application Design" tutorial on Monday. It's good info though, so I understand why he included it. The detailed run-through of a refactoring example was very valuable. Overall I'm glad I attended.

I enjoyed the session very much.