Wim is very knowledgable and the talk was great.
Fantastic job, entertaining and informative. He knew his stuff and had his opinions and didn't mince words.
Excellent information on a complex topic, cryptography and related security issues is an always much needed and tricky piece that everyone has to address sometime. How many times have you had to deal with user logins or other secure data issues?
Way to quick through the information. The code examples would good, but I only got half way through trying to digest one before the presenter moved onto the next.
Awesome job. I now have a much better understanding of just how much work I have waiting for me back home. It will be worth it in the end.
Great job. Good presentations. It really has me excited to get back to the office and push the Zend products to my boss.
Good overview on the modules system. I would have liked to dig deeper in actual module code to see how one or more of them work. The cards against humanity example showed one working but not really how it got there.
Will never use doctrine with zf2 but this talk gave me a lot of great ideas. The topic was very well presented. Great job!