Talk comments

I was surprised to see a keynote on Bitcoin on the schedule of a PHP conference, but IMO it was a fantastic addition. As developers we often get caught up in what we use day-to-day and don't take time to explore what's happening outside our PHP bubble. I really enjoyed the discussion around Bitcoin, but IMO the real value to be taken from the panel is an appreciation for how revolutionary the underlying tech - the blockchain - really is. Bitcoin is currently getting all the attention, but I would have liked to see more than just a glossing over of those other non-currency services built on the blockchain.

Excellent, well structured talk. I would have liked to see more detail on how to approach integrating these concepts into an application (eg: how to do HMAC validation of data loaded from storage), but I know that can be tricky as it's often application-specific.

Excellent overview of tools and techniques to approach cleaning up after an intruder has attacked your server. I've been using *nix a long time but I still picked up a few new command-line techniques from this presentation. Even though this talk was specifically aimed at dealing with the aftermath, I still would have liked to see more information and tools to help operators be proactive in preventing hacks in the first place.

Very interesting presentation on how Globant structures their internal development teams and promotes collaboration between them. I did enjoy hearing about it, but was of little use to me professionally as a freelance developer. The session seemed to be aimed more at management than developers and so felt out of place at ZendCon.

Excellent overview of how to properly structure a ZF2 application. A great introduction to doing ZF2 properly for those who are new to it. Especially liked the breakdown of the model layer into it's constituent parts and the rationale behind choosing that structure.

Drowning in legacy code. Great inspiration in moving to a more maintainable code base.