CakeFest is organized for developers, managers and interested newcomers alike. Bringing a world of unique skill and talent together in a celebration and learning environment around the worlds most popular PHP framework.

Thursday 8th June 2017

Basic Workshop Day 1
Workshop by Jorge González (3 hour)

Basic Workshop Day 1

Advanced Workshop Day 1 Part 1
Workshop by José Rodríguez (4 hours, 30 minutes)

Advanced Workshop Day 1 Part 1

Friday 9th June 2017

Basic Workshop Day 2
Workshop by Jorge González (3 hour)

Basic Workshop Day 2

Advanced Workshop Day 2 Part 1
Workshop by José Rodríguez (4 hours, 30 minutes)

Advanced Workshop Day 2 Part 1

Saturday 10th June 2017

CakePHP Keynote
Keynote by Larry Masters (30 minutes)

CakePHP Keynote

10 ways to improve
Keynote by José Rodríguez (1 hour)

This is a hybrid talk. It will both touch on the human aspects of development and the technical aspects of improving any codebase. CakePHP has been active for quite a while and while the code has matured quite well, we are always facing the constant forces of change the tech world experiences. Where should we head towards? On one hand we have ecosystems with an extreme change rate but also causing greater fatigue in their users, and on the other hand we have the option of not changing at all. How do we balance this two extremes with our limited time? Is it worth living on the cutting edge to achieve relevancy? As a community, CakePHP has also seen tremendous transformations. What can we do at a personal level to improve? What's the secret sauce for contributing to open source and not burning yourself out? I hope to offer an answer to those questions based on my experience of more than 9 years contributing to CakePHP.

10:00 Guest speaker - Ed Finkler
Talk by Ed Finkler (40 minutes)

There is a crisis in the tech industry. At least 20% of our colleagues, friends, and teammates suffer silently with mental illness, but our work culture does little to help. Based on real data, we'll show the enormous impact of mental illness in our industry, and how we can change – and save – lives.

11:00 CakePHP in a containerized (CI/CD) environment
Talk by Stefan van Gastel (30 minutes)

A short talk about putting CakePHP in a (Docker) container environment for CI and CD purposes, what obstacles we have encountered doing that and what advantages it has provided us.

Progressive Web Apps For CakePHP Developers
Talk by PROSPER OTEMUYIWA (30 minutes)

Popular Web platforms are making their apps progressive and it's increasing their conversion rate numbers & helping them acquire more customers in areas of low internet penetration. The attendees will learn the following about building Progressive Web Apps: - What a Progressive Web app is - Key Features of a Progressive Web App - How to build a Progressive Web App to Work Offline - How to make a Progressive Web App Installable and send Push Notifications - Benefits of making Progressive Web Apps - How CakePHP can serve as a Powerful Backend for making a PWA.

Realtime PHP using websockets
Talk by Jeff Kolesnikowicz (1 hour)

Websockets give real-time access to your PHP application, facilitating data transfer between the browser and the server. With the popularity of Javascript libraries like Node.js and Meteor, websockets are Hot Stuff™. But just because they’re popular with the Javascript crowd doesn’t mean PHP applications are left out in the cold. In this talk, we will discuss some use cases for websockets as well as strategies for implementing websockets into your PHP application. We will look at the most popular websocket protocols and specifically an overview of the WAMP protocol (the protocol, not the stack - and the PHP Ratchet library. Additionally, we’ll talk about WAMPv2 and Thruway. At the end of this talk, you’ll have a better sense of what websockets are, how they work, and how to use them in your application. We will look at websockets from a CakePHP standpoint.

CakePHP Prepared Statements Ease MySQL Table Design
Talk by Ed Barnard (1 hour)

This talk highlights CakePHP 3's excellent support for prepared statements. Many see them as outdated. On the contrary, for this high-traffic use case, we have a strong advantage. We'll re-design our tables for our code's advantage. We'll develop a PHP utility class taking advantage of our re-designed tables.

What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Testing
Talk by Chris Hartjes (30 minutes)

Back when I was learning about how to test PHP code, I had to walk both ways uphill in the snow to get the information I needed. Over the past 14 years (has it really been that long?!?) I’ve learned a lot about not just testing but about code and people. In this talk I want to share what I wished I knew all those years ago so you don’t have to suffer like I did.

Open Source Infrastructure
Talk by Jose Gonzalez (30 minutes)

Like any other organization, CakePHP has applications and services it deploys to support the organization. Unlike many companies, it's developers are unpaid volunteers in many timezones. How does CakePHP manage it's infrastructure in a transparent, distributed fashion? This talk will cover tips and tricks we use to minimize our server overhead while keeping everyone informed of how things work.

Cultivating community: Building powerful relationships by communicating with empathy
Talk by Sharon Steed (30 minutes)

One of our most valuable commodities as humans is our ability to build relationships - both personally and professionally. And the key to any successful relationship is empathy: being able to understand someone, connect with someone and view the world through their eyes. The problem is that the empathy needed to cultivate relationships, foster collaboration and build strong communities is often times lacking, especially when we are around people who are different from us. And if empathy is the tie that binds us, then vulnerability is the thread that holds that rope together. It's time to change the status quo in tech. Let's explore the impact of empathy on communities. We'll discuss how communication plays a role in building successful relationships; how empathy fosters highly collaborative teams; and finally we'll talk about true accessibility. Why? Because innovation is at it's best when it's inclusive. And to be inclusive, you must be empathetic.

Lightning Talks (1 hour)

Rapid 10 minutes talks ON ANY topic OR SUBJECT.

Sunday 11th June 2017

08:30 Stepping Outside your Comfort Zone: Learning to Teach
Talk by Heather L White (50 minutes)

As a developer, you spend your entire life learning. But what happens when the tables are turned and you become the teacher? Do you want to become a conference speaker or a mentor, talk at your local user group, give presentations at work, or become a technical trainer? As a previous classroom teacher with a Master's Degree in Curriculum Development, I will take you on a journey to understand the various learning styles and how to effectively reach everyone. We will look at how to present your information, best ways to structure it, and learn ways to reach all students no matter their level. We will also cover a number of best practices for crafting your presentation decks themselves. Join me for this exploration into the inner workings of the human mind.

Guest Speaker - Cal Evans
Talk by Cal Evans (40 minutes)

Everyone tells you that you need to. What if you don't want to run an Open Source project? What if you just need something to work? What if you just want to use Open Source, can you still make a contribution? Of course you can! In this talk, we will look at three broad groupings of roles that you can play in any Open Source project. Take a look around, find your role and your project and make a difference.

Keynote - 3.4 and the Path to 4.0.0
Talk by Mark Story (1 hour)

In this talk I'll be covering some of the new features that have come out in 3.4. Features like PSR-7 support, new plugins give us more flexibility and allow CakePHP developers to tap into code from outside the CakePHP community. I'd like to follow up a recap of the present, by reviewing the strategy, high-level roadmap and upgrade path we have planned for 3.5, 3.6 and 4.0.

Testing for people who hate testing
Talk by Viraj Khatavkar (1 hour)

I love having tests. I hate writing them. It’s tedious. It’s boring. It’s hard, sometimes harder than writing the code. Worst of all, it doesn’t feel like it accomplishes anything. You cannot sell writing tests to developers who hate it or are new to the approach. Bombarding testing jargon is not gonna help. Let me show you how awesome tests can be written and let's deep dive into the testing approach step by step

Building for a Million Transactions Per Hour
Talk by Femi TAIWO (1 hour)

In 2015, a two man team (Femi & Sunday) built within 3 weeks a system on CakePHP which handled over 32 million transactions in a 24 hour period for the elections in Nigeria. Femi will be taking us through how to create a fail-safe, fault tolerant, high-traffic-ready architecture to handle similar or even higher amounts of traffic using CakePHP. I will also be talking about methods for scaling systems automatically and manually on popular cloud service providers.

Machine Learning: one step closer to J-Day
Talk by Mariano Iglesias (1 hour)

Skynet is still far off, but we can do some serious damage with our data. Using machine learning, we can learn from the data we have, by building algorithms that are taught to understand concepts hidden in our data, and we can benefit from this learning by developing algorithms that produce more meaningful information. This is a talk aimed to those who may have heard of Machine Learning but have never dwelled on it. It is an opportunity to open our minds to an exciting field filled with possibilities. We will explore the concepts, review the math supporting them (I promise it's fun!), and write some code. We will cover this fascinating subject with a practical approach: how machine learning can help us build much better products. Maybe even fix Facebook's feed priority algorithm? Who knows, the prospects are unlimited!