Talk comments

A somewhat basic talk but there were a few tips there that I shall take away.
Was also interesting to consider things like imposter syndrome in this context, though whether this really fit into a search talk or indicated that actually the talk scope could be widened to how individual developers can help themselves whilst dealing with these issues I don't know.

The slides were really well done though and the presentation style was great, so really well done for a first talk!

A great talk covering all the basics that someone designing and building an api should consider, many of which people often forget or don't spend the necessary time planning for.

Briefly covering versioning would be nice and that is something that people often struggle with, and there is nothing more annoying than an api that keeps changing and breaking backwards compatibility!

Great social, got thrown out of a number of rooms as the hotel gradually shut up for the night :-)
Great effort from all the organisers!

Still found it inspirational, funny and engaging, even though I'd only seen it 3 weeks before at PHPNW. But this time I could read the code sample, yay :-)
Great talk!

A good talk that really emphasised just how much is involved with internationalization and just how much we often overlook!
The slides were busy but they'll be great for reminding me of all the points after the event

A nice enthusiastic talk that really inspired me to get stuck in building my own projects, whatever mad or crazy thing they turn out to be :-)

It was nice to see the projects that you've worked on, but I feel the talk was trying to cover to much. It either should have been about your projects, what you've learnt and how you managed to go about setting up and managing them so that they can earn you a decent living.
Or it should focus more on how you got your ideas, things that people can do to get ideas and how they can maximise their time and justify working on these projects.
It just felt a bit like 2 talks in one.

Great slides though and overall well presented, minus a few nerves showing through and the endlessly repeating gifs. Keep up the good work! :-)

Nice talk, I wasn't too sure what to expect but like many I had no real need to go near svg but am no thinking "hhmmm, this could actually be pretty interesting".
Great presentation style, very engaging

Despite the slow start this was actually a pretty interesting talk with lots of practical tips. I am not a pen and paper geek but I do really need to organise all my notes better, so the last section was really useful for me. I do however have a split of online and written paper notes and online notes weren't covered which would have been interesting.

The delivery of the talk was also a little bit monotone and uninspiring and would benefit from being livened up a bit.
I'll remember it though and will be trialing some of the techniques mentioned.

A great intro into a subject that I really need to read more about.
Joshua is a clear and engaging speaker who really knows his stuff :-)

Great talk to start of the conference. I did see it a few years ago but it was nice to see an updated slidedeck and a few new points make it in there :-)