Talk comments

Good talk, clear presentation. Liked the way you took different established frameworks/libraries to illustrate bad practice. I do agree that some more clear general examples would be good to add.

I was also a bit disappointed about the content. The cache part was interesting though. I would also say to always provide users with some download link and/or requirements before doing a workshop.

Good talk, could use a bit more explanation on some of the patterns, but overall a nice, in-depth presentation, with good examples.

The presentation had a few major flaws:
- HUGE amount of typos, to the point it became really annoying
- nowhere near fitting in the 45 minutes that were availible.

Altough the speaker seemed to have a lot of knowlegde on the topic, the talk never really grasped me. He showed some seemingly impressive results, but no clear explaination on how execactly these results where achieved. In the end, he had to race to the finish, no doubt having to skip some interesting things.

The speaker should have fit his talk better to the time that he had for it.

Excellent delivery and interesting content. I coudl follow most of it. But I wish I knew a bit more devops than just dev to fully appreciate it.

Anonymous at 10:22 on 10 Jun 2013

Entertaining talk. Inspiring, but... It reminded me too much of "Does My Bus Look Big In This?" by Martin Fowler and Jim Webber.

The Linux-philosophy applied to Web Services is a very interesting concept, though.

Anonymous at 10:18 on 10 Jun 2013

Interesting talk, good information. But frankly, I think this would have come across just as well as a blog post. I would have liked to see some real world examples as well.

No bad things to say really. Helgi is a good speaker, the presentation was clear, the slide were fine.
Good overview on you can do with Nginx, but I can't say I agree on that you should do some of those things using Nginx

Excellent talk, lots of really useful tips that can be fed back. Nginx is being used more and more, and it's incredible what it can do.

As a speaker, Helgi is very confident, which is always a big plus point. The talk is well delivered and rehearsed. The slides were very clear, easy to read and without putting too much information on screen. I liked the use of the short URLs for linking to extra details

Fun and interesting story. Liked your approach to all the problems you encountered. Slow down a bit though, that would make it easier to listen and enjoy the story for your audience.