Talk comments

You being late might've made it better... It was a great talk!

Fine examples and a nice story. I've actually written a blog about the subject a while back I'm curious what you think of it:

A nice talk, would've liked a 1.5 hour version of it, but that was all you could do in 45 minutes.

Technically the talk was fine, good buildup and a clear presentation.

Good natural speaker. Travis showed us some of the possibilities of Django. It looked simple --and that made it good for me.
Got quite excited to use it myself :)

Absolutely stunning! It will change the way I work!

Great talk, great tool

Great talk with some nice code examples that will come in handy :)

Lisp looks like a language that, if you want to create your own functional language, you would like to do something similar.
Igor is insane, but sane enough to show how crazy this language is. Good talk :)

Good talk: made me think more about contracts, value objects.
Ans also learned that I implemented the Specification pattern without knowing it :)