Talk comments

Anonymous at 15:09 on 1 Jul 2014

Fairly good presentation. A bit dark slides (hard to read). I see some similarities to CodeIgniter, even the architecture is abit diffrent. but find CI easier to use, and fits my purpose better.

Anonymous at 15:06 on 1 Jul 2014

A little too deep in for my taste, and would also like "Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP" from an non-zend-framework point of view, as im not using ZF. Not sure how much I could bring back home / implement of this. But very good technical talk. High level and talker with strong skills.

Anonymous at 15:03 on 1 Jul 2014

With the title "Scalable PHP web applications with Apache Cassandra" I expected to learn some more basics, like simple queries etc. I like the topic, but it was a little deep for me as a beginner.

Anonymous at 15:00 on 1 Jul 2014

Great talk. Liked it a lot, including all the honesty and humor. Well presented. Thanks!

Anonymous at 14:54 on 1 Jul 2014

Interesting topic. I learned a few things, so I'm satisfied. I think this session could work as a talk as well.

Anonymous at 14:52 on 1 Jul 2014

Very cool show. Do you have your own Laser App? If not you should make one!

Thanks for your comments! They should make my future presentations better.

It seems, that the main problem is that everybody expected a more hands-on approach, while I never mentioned that this tutorial will be hands-on (you can re-check talk description, it is up there at this very page). Moreover, I specifically pointed out that setting up VMs is not strictly required, just if you want to try things as I talk about them (like trying to get authentication token etc).

So, while I haven't mentioned that this tutorial will be a hands-on experience, I believe it is a good idea to turn it into one. Therefore I will work in that direction, thank you!

Despite the low raring, I still believe that theoretical content was good and solid, so if it is only buffalo that made it into memories, then it should be my presentation skills, not the content :))

To anonymous (btw, why so?):

If you check the ansible roles (I have spent lots of time creating) you will see that there's yeoman role + common role that sets up necessary node.js files. Just uncomment "yeoman" here: Finally, there's a separate slide in my presentation when I mention tools necessary (and I talked about tools as well). Overall, I suggest you look into code provided - it has lots of value in it (and will definitely save you some time googling).

Awesome refreshing end to a conference. Loved seeing things from a completely unexpected and unfamiliar point of view. Your presenting style is also very entertaining and was a great match for a closing keynote, as well as resonating with the opening keynote.

Love the energy and the intro, but i think the content delivery could have been done better. Something more solid then hello worlds or more practical. The theoretical part could you a bit more breakdown and details i was a bit lost just looking at boxes with labels that did not quite hit home.

Great talk, great content. It could have used a refresh before the talk, as you noted a few things were out of place or outdated, but a great how-to session that can easily be used as a guide when implementing for the first time.

I think a bit more structure would do wonders into making this a perfect talk.