This talk certainly got my gear working and made me regret missing the tutorial. Enjoyed the pace and the presentation. You are a great speaker, but i think you could tone back on the propaganda, restrict that info to the "about me" slide, or add a silent slide, no need to keep talking and selling it.
Loved the talk, great content and a great tool.
Some improvement points: read your audience, you could have used a bit more energy since it was day 2 of the conference, get people to wake up. Title could have made it more clear that you were talking about a tool to help in PR testing, that would have been great.
I really enjoyed a fresh point of view of how to look at SOLID from the perspective of your tests. It did "push" prophecy a bit which i think is not necessary.
Awesome talk, made a complex topic seem really simple and gave me fuel to solve other problems by simply providing me with an alternate point of view. Great job.
I enjoyed the content of the talk, but i see a mismatch with what was expected.
The presentation needs some work on contrast, this is a common speaker mistake that experience solves, but for next time i would work on the colo scheme cause the vanishing test made me very lost on what was being show, make sure your contrast is good because conference projectors are always unpredictable.
I feel a bit more rehearsing is a good thing also, you ran short and you could have engage a bit more with the audience. A bit more pacing in both concepts and speech will get you a long way. Keep at it.
I enjoyed the tutorial and found it very well structured and engaging. I may have failed at reading the abstract and came out a bit confused on what i expected vs. what i got. But it was very well delivered and having someone to help people who had issues to setup the code was a great touch.
I would love for it to be more about practical bundle writing then just the "let's see how far we can push everything out of it"
I agree with the comments that state the practical side was lacking, it could have been more engaging. The theory portion was nice, but i would like to see it more rooted and engaging as well.
I felt a little more rehearsing would help you feel more comfortable with the content, its also a good idea to talk to your audience, not the slides, you spent a lot of time looking at the screen and not the people n the room. The story has all the elements to catch people and carry them through the content, but it need a bit more of a motivational delivery, so it inspires more then sounding like "we are a great team", i think a bit of work on that and i would love seeing it as a "how DDD saved us" talk.
Simply excellent!
Nice presentation, well spoken and good info.
About 7 minutes in it was clear it was a beginner talk, nothing new to me, so I walked out. (Sorry for that!) But that's nothing negative towards you :)
This is a topic that the community really needs to learn about. I really liked you bringing them to us and you did a great job with the presentation you had.
I would maybe try to present the content in a better way, a way that the concepts hit home harder, maybe more practical or "by examples". It was a bit confusing to keep up at times.