Talk comments

Nothing really new, but nicely put together and really fun to watch!
You could work a bit on your presenting skills (make it more fluent and know you slides).

Very clear explanation on what Agile stands for!

Interesting to see that a lot of widely accepted patterns, principles and best practices on a class level also apply to package design.

Ross Tuck introduced me to the concept a few months back. Great to see Mathias go more in depth with some practical implementation.

Very clear and fluent talk! I very much liked the "if you want to do a good job, just do this" approach, exactly what you need when it comes to security.

No enthusiasm, to dry (lots of code without a real context) and overall a bit boring (especially when you're already familiar with ReactPHP).

A nice introduction to Story BDD and Behat.

Full of enthusiasm! It gave me a fresh look at software development.

Nice overview of what HHVM is. And it really inspired me to start with Hack.


Overall a nice talk with good info, though I expected a bit more.