Talk comments

Anonymous at 10:30 on 1 Jul 2014

Some good descriptions of the queue components and types but a bit too fast and little content.

I don't like it because it's written in Java ... completely irrelevant?

Node.js can not process any other request whilst processing a template but PHP can ... firstly not on topic and on top of that completely wrong.

Delayed batch jobs .. then just don't use a job queue that cannot scale for you since the approach causes problems instead of solving them. Maybe the java solution could have helped you here?

Anonymous at 10:16 on 1 Jul 2014

Very well prepared and a good balance of hands-on and talk!

Anonymous at 10:15 on 1 Jul 2014

Nothing hands-on during 3 hours. An hour spent on general what-is-rest-talk. The javascript tools all missing from the VMs and no clear instructions on what was needed. The layered system seemed too heavy for the presenters computer .. seems likely when you want to spawn 3 machines for one project on an average macbook.

All in all, Google and hacking on your own would have been better.

Meaningful content with good advise on how to sructure the M on MVC.

This is not the first DDD-related talk presentation I attend, but it is the first that has allowed me to clearly understand the why and the how. And I can't wait to put the new concepts I learned into practice! My fav in the whole conference :) And the enthusiasm Mathias put into it made it so engaging!

I enjoyed this keynote so much! I'm glad I was there to see the best particles effect ever :)

This was my first workshop as a php developer.
The lecture was interesting, I enjoyed the story about getting the client involved and setting up the team and liked the code examples. I had expected the workshop to be more hands on, though.
Also, while speaking, you can make your story more interesting by getting the audience involved, e.g. by asking small quiz-questions or discussing experiences.


as Stelian said, it was indeed more of a lecture / extended talk then a workshop. I think it was because we weren't actually building anything, just going along with his examples.

Having said that, it was very interesting. Learned some new things, and got to rethink some of my own databases. And while Steve might not be the best speaker, he is very knowledgeble, and had a good answer for most questions.