Talk comments

The concepts were well structured and well explained (as he always does). Excellent presentation.

Very interesting stuff, but imo it could have been presented at a quicker pace.

Small tip to Alexander: try not to pronounce each sentence as if it was a question. :-)

I understand the theoretical background in this talk since Clinton is more academic than the majority of the audience, but it would have been nice to see a live demo or a real-life showcase to make the theory stick better.
On the other side we cannot have enough wake-up calls to (re)consider the security risks we face on a daily basis.

Ended up in this talk because the other room was packed...
Nevertheless it was nice to see that migrating from ZF1 to ZF2 is probably a lot easier than it might seem.

Well-prepared slides (wink) and also a very informative talk. Simply great!

Good talk, well paced, witty. Enthusiastic speaker. Clear code examples.
Working demo would have been a nice added bonus. But I got the idea.

Thanks for the inspiring talk!

Being an MSc and therefore being taught such theories at University, I really appreciated this talk and Igor's sense of humour even more.

After this talk I think PHPSpec definitely has it benefits, but the speaker needs to improve his communication skills to really make it stick in peoples minds.

Kacper, just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll improve!

Well explained mini tutorial on how refactoring in small steps is a lot easier than refactoring in big steps.

Too bad Benjamin (again) didn't get to the end in time.